(with assistance from Anneliese Vobis and RWM)
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Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi: Holiday Party and Peak Oil Art Show.
Artists: Hugo Kobayashi, Douglas Minkler, Debra Walker, more.
Review by RWM: Attention is given to the looming Oil Crisis here. All manner of works on display. Some include documentation; others are abstract. Oil dependency remains a dilemma, one inspiring angst and art. The assembled work taps into that vein.
Art at Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi holiday party.
Art about oil at Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi holiday party.
Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi & progeny.
City Hall's totally tricked out holiday style.
1:AM Gallery: PRINT.
Artists: Mark Bode, Robert Bowen, Chamber Made (Leon Loucheur), Dave Crosland, Brian Goggin, Griffin, Peter Gronquist, Marlon Sagana Ingram, Will Manville, Mars-1, Mear1, Misk, Hydro74, Nate1, Pickles Labrador, Reuben Rude, Julie West, more.
Comment by AB: Limited edition prints by gallery artists.
Limited edition print show at 1AM Gallery.
Art at 1:AM Gallery, San Francisco.
Limited edition art
Limited edition print art.
Art at 1AM Gallery.
Romer Young Gallery: Chad Stayrook.
Comment by AB: In that inexorable quest for street cred, a situation we all confront at one point or another in our lives, Ping Pong Gallery tonight officially upgrades it's moniker to Romer Young Gallery. It's kinda like when I changed my name from Alan Pingpongberger to Alan Bamberger; people instantly began to take me more seriously. However, just between you and me, my dearest darling artsters, I still have a long way to go.
Manifold inadequacies aside, Chad Stayrook here convincingly essays on a three week residency he spent north of the Arctic Circle. Diversions include a kicky boat installation that actually pitches from side to side, icy photographs, installation, videos, and sundry other chilly chilly varia. It's almost like being there (which is precisely as close as I'm ever gonna get). Stop on by.
Pitching vessel video installation by Chad Stayrook.
Pitching vessel installation by Chad Stayrook from the side.
Chad Stayrook and his arctic photography.
Installation & photography by Chad Stayrook.
Arctic photography by Chad Stayrook at Romer Young Gallery.
Southern Exposure: BOOM! 18th Entry-Fee-Free Juried Exhibition.
Artists: Steven Barich, David Bayus, Andrew Benson, Mark Benson, Bryan Boyce, Iris Charabi-Berggren, Tedd Colt, Taylor Crawley, Robert Donald, Rives Granade, Julie Henson, Chris Hood, Mike Kimball, Erin Klenow, Nick Sung & Najeeb Tazari, Vicky Knoop, Noah Krell, Ace Lehner, Niana Liu, Lindsey Lyons, Martin Machado, Pablo Manga, Nining Muir, Colleen Mulvey, billy ocallaghan, Raoul Ollman, Brandon Walls Olsen, Meryl Pataky, Hilary Pecis, Monica Jane Peck, Laura Plageman, Tiffany Quach, Michelle Ramin, Carlos Ramirez, Kit Rosenberg, Yoram Savion, Alphonzo Solorzano, Adam Wier, Doug Garth Williams.
Review by Anneliese Vobis: Many new multimedia voices make their SF art scene debuts.
Comment by AB: Southern Exposure maintains its reputation as one of the premier SF venues for experiencing breaking art news first. Definitely worth a visit. (artists-- if you want your art ID'd, please email me and I'll add your names.)
Installation art (image c/o Anneliese Vobis).
Installation art.
Inside installation art in above image.
Expressionist Bay Area baseball cap art (like it).
Art (image c/o Anneliese Vobis).
Photography & video.
Patriotic pugilist art.
Video art.
Video art.
BellJar: Les Deux - New Art Work by Amy Jo Diaz.
Review and images by Anneliese Vobis: Collage and ink on paper engage us in dreamlike situations. The stories are told in a vibrant symbolic style. Messages from the unconsciousness are revealed. Take your time to find the common key to this otherworldly work. Disciples and converts welcome!
Art by Amy Jo Diaz.
Amy Jo Diaz art.
Art by Amy Jo Diaz (I think).
BellJar proper.
Fifty24SF Gallery: Bruce Bacca Pop-Up Church.
Comment by AB: It's a church "based on the 1988 film Die Hard, it's mythical leading man Bruce Willis, and an exquisitely carved wooden Chewbacca Mask." Sacramental accessories include CDs, seaweed, cigarettes, red plastic beer cups and Charles Shaw vino. Nicely done.
Pop-up church installation by Bruce Bacca.
Chewbacca anchors the altar - art by Bruce Bacca.
Cigarettes & seaweed - breakfast of champions - art by Bruce Bacca.
Libation station - art by Bruce Bacca.
Access God via video & headphones - Bruce Bacca art.
Remastered Die Hard CDs by Bruce Bacca.
Lower Haters Gallery: All the Little Things.
Artists: Patrick Kawahara, Leroy Jenkins, DIA, Jeery Ilkenhons, Damien King, Andrew Perry, Saavl, Grant Gilliland.
Comment by AB: Group showcase of gallery artists.
Living Art Fund debut event - 249 Onondaga Ave, SF CA.
Another from group show at Living Art Fund.
Inaugural circumstance impends at Living Art Fund.