
Consulting Services for Artists From

Most Popular - 1 hour all-purpose consult - $175:

A complete review, evaluation and analysis of how you are presenting your art to the public, the marketplace, and to the art world in general. Topics covered include how to more effectively organize and present your art both online and in real life, website evaluation and recommendations, speaking and writing about your art (for your website, statement, announcements, emails, social media, etc.), evaluation and recommendations for improving your online profile and social media pages, a review of your selling prices, pointers on how to get increased exposure for your art, ways to increase your following and broaden your audience, selling your art both online and at physical locations, tips on how to identify, approach and make contact with galleries and other venues for possible shows or representation, and more. Read more here.

For all other consulting, my fee is $90 per half-hour.

Specific Consulting Services that usually take only half an hour:

Additional Services:

Writing, speaking, panel participation and seminars for artists (rates vary):


If you'd like to make an appointment or have questions about your particular situation or the services I offer, you are welcome to email me at or call me at 415.931.7875 and let's talk.


Read what satisfied clients have to say about my artist services.

Alan Bamberger Art Artist Consultant Advisor Appraiser

Contact me >>

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Services for Artists and Collectors


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