

Help Serve You Better made its online debut in 1997. Since that time, the site's monthly traffic has grown from several thousand visitors per month to 100,000 - 150,000 unique visitors per month-- and still rising. It is linked to art websites around the world and from all indications, people like what they find when they come here.

CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION has evolved into a significant consumer resource and public service that benefits countless thousands of artists, fine art professionals, students, teachers and collectors, and the goal is to keep it that way. It consistently provides straightforward art world news, reviews, commentaries and information all the time and with no agenda other than to educate and inform. And every single bit of it is available at absolutely no charge! also offers a variety of fee-based services including art consulting and appraisal for collectors, artists and anyone else in need of assistance with a situation involving art, no matter what that situation may be. Along these same lines, thousands of pages of free content are available as well-- with more and more coming online all the time. Which leads to this request for your support...

If you like what you see here, there's plenty more where that came from. Your contribution, no matter how great or how small and no matter what form it takes, will help enable to keep those articles, commentaries, product reviews, and news stories coming at you. Plus in exchange for your donation, you get a COMPLIMENTARY LINK on the DONORS PAGE. So how about it? Every little bit helps me to help you better.'s mission is to serve as a consumer resource for people who buy, sell, collect and evaluate art, and who are interested in learning about how the art world works. For you artists, the goals are to help you understand how the art business operates, and how to present your art more effectively to the public for purposes of getting shows, making sales, getting gallery representation and more. When this site helps you to accomplish those objectives, think about helping back. It's you, the visitors, who have made this site what it is today, and your continuing input and support will surely influence what it becomes tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued patronage, and remember-- when you have art business questions, has the answers.

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