(with assistance from Pilar Vree)
Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art: FA LA LA (ma non troppo) - Jacob Tillman and Holly Boruck.
Comment by AB: Cryptic elemental paintings by Jacob Tillman populate the front gallery. I the rear gallery, mutant colorless organic forms in gessoed resin over clay by Holly Boruck, finished with intricate graphite drawings, impress not only from a technical perspective, but may well portend what "life" (or the lack of it) one day look like if we continue down our cherished screw-the-Copenhagen-Summit road. Like 'em! Stop on by and see for yourself.
Art by Holly Boruck (nicely done).
Sculpture by Holly Boruck.
Pinkie cam detail of art on pedestal in above image (Holly Boruck).
Art by Holly Boruck.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image (Holly Boruck).
Art by Jacob Tillman.
Jacob Tillman painting.
Art by Jacob Tillman.
Ever Gold Gallery: Swipple and Gold - Swipple Artists Land on the Left Coast.
Artists: Andrea Aimi, Ky Anderson, Canton Belanger, Tim Clinton, Jim Damron, Frankie Davis, John Drury, Brigitte Engler, Ryan Groendyk, Meredith Heuer, John Hoder, Dennis Kernohan, Jake Klotz, Rob Kolomyski, Steve MacDonald, Justin Pollmann, Lucy Wright Rivers, Wynn Satterlee, Dave Skinner, Treatzone, Jocko Weyland, Gregg Woolard, Jason Wright.
Comment by AB: I'm not exactly sure what the Swipple raison d'etre is 'cuz I can't find a deposition anywhere, but you're welcome to stop by and assay to assess it yourself. There's a pretty slick naive-style painting of people in the back room, right wall, towards the rear, that both Ron Turner and I nod positively on, priced only $600 if I remember correctly, but I miraculously forget to take a pic. Not sure who the artist is either, but consider it a yes. And there's hunt 'n peck treasures scattered about the rest of the dealie bob as well.
Paintings by Rob Kolomyski.
Textile art by Steve MacDonald.
This dude is the artist who made....
... theses.
Big-ass mushroom art. Gimme dat!
Yoda art and friends.
Art (kinda like that one on the right).
Italian Cultural Center: Rome - San Francosco, From the Colosseum to the Golden Gate - Bruno Aller, Aldo Bertolini, and Marisa Facchinetti.
Comment by AB: Bruno Aller, Aldo Bertolini, and Marisa Facchinetti, founders of the Cultural Association "I Diagonali" in Rome, demonstrate the international appeal of their art.
Long view.
MR - Barbershop and Urban Lounge: Ian Ross - Style and Flow.
Comment by AB: Tasteful urban expository courtesy of Ian Ross.
Art by Ian Ross.
Art by Ian Ross in above image closer.
Altitudinary - art by Ian Ross.
Fecal Face Dot Gallery: Side 2 Side.
Artists: Brian Braneclo, Jesse Balmer, Marco Zamora, Jay Howell, Kevin Taylor, Mildred, Travis Millard, Derek Albeck, Albert Reyes, Matt Furie, Mike Shine, Kelly Tunstall, Henry Gunderson, Alexis Mackenzie, Kieth Shore, Ferris Plock, Mike Giant.
Review by Pilar Vree: Fecal Face Dot Gallery decides to flex its muscle as a champion of local art, featuring some of the most talked about stars of the San Francisco art scene. Both established artists and up-and-comers are hung on the all-too-small gallery walls. It's hard to find a group show where every piece is a gem, and at such affordable prices, this is the perfect opportunity to invest in these talents before they blow up.
Matt Petty (SF Chronicle Art Director) - art by Brian Barneclo.
Art by Jay Howell (right) - Kevin Taylor (center)
Art closer by Kevin Taylor.
Art by Jesse Balmer.
Bill of fare. Mostly low to mid-hundreds $$. (Jessica Trippe on the horizon).
Art by Kelly Tunstall (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Artr by Alexis Mackenzie (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Art by Henry Gunderson (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Art by Marco Zamora.
Impromptu art around the corner from Fecal Face Dot Gallery.
Fifty24SF Gallery: The Dark Wave - Herbert Baglione.
Review by Pilar Vree: Herbert Baglione's show is a peek into the mind of a powerful artist. With what seem like hundreds of elegant sketches that stretch on like wandering thoughts, the viewer is able to experience a less public side of the creative process. Large pieces cement the show, with the subjects in the sketches exemplifying the artist's talent for detail.
Art by Herbert Baglione.
Painting by Herbert Baglione (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Ink drawings by Herbert Baglione.
Art in above image closer (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Painting by Herbert Baglione.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Herbert Baglione in above image.
Art by Herbert Baglione (image c/o Pilar Vree).
Art by Herbert Baglione (image c/o Pilar Vree).