
A look back at the apex of art world insanity. Click Here.
Gauntlet Gallery: Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads.
Artists: Serge Gay Jr, Brad Hill, Nick Comparone, Cuyler Smith, Will Arvin, Greg Bunbury, Ron, Guyatt, Justin Van Genderen, Tracie Ching, Jamie Cervantes, Bruce White, Morgan Kelley, Famous When Dead, Johannah O'Donnell, Jasinski, Kim Herbst, Brandon Schaefer, Alex R. Kirzhner, Ruel Pascual, Jessaymn Patterson, Ryan Hungerford, Kara Zisa, Niki Waters, John Larriva, Sean Dove, Gene Guynn, Adam Maida, Ryan Milner, Nigel Sanders, Jesse Riggle, JoKa, Liam Brazier, Clint Wilson, Alan Campbell, Adam Juresko, Nicolas Rakotoary.
Comment by AB: Yet another new gallery injects itself into San Francisco's commodious creative caboodle, their mobbed grand opening group show inspired by movies of the 1980s. Originals as well as limited edition artist prints produced by the gallery comprise the offerings.
80s movie tribute art at Gauntlet Gallery.
Art by Cuyler Smith.
Jessie Riggle art (left) at Gauntlet Gallery grand opening.
80s film homage art.
Milton Glaser knock-off art (right).
80s pop icon art at Gauntlet Gallery.
Group art & limited edition print show.
Art at Gauntlet Gallery grand opening.
Crush - Gauntlet Gallery grand opening group show.
The Hotel California: Lorena Ziraldo.
Comment by AB: The debut of The Hotel California's artist-in-residence program features paintings by Canadian artist, Lorena Ziraldo, in her studio space. The residencies are one month long, each culminating in a show of work produced. Not quite sure how the dealie bob works. If curious, you might contact the hotel and ask.
Art by Lorena Ziraldo at The Hotel California.
Art in process by Lorena Ziraldo.
Same image as above, more finished - art by Lorena Ziraldo.
Lorena Ziraldo art at The Hotel California.
The studio - Lorena Ziraldo resident artist show at The Hotel California.
Fabric8 Gallery: A Plethora of Enchanted Delights - Group Show.
Artists (for group shows only): Erik Otto, Jenn Porreca, Jet Martinez, Kelly Ording, Monty Guy, Reuben Rude, Romanowski, Ursula X Young.
Comment by AB: Holiday group show.
Art by Kelly Ording at Fabric8 Gallery.
Art by Reuben Rude.
Romanowski and his art at Fabric8 Gallery.
Art by Jet Martinez.
Jenn Porreca art closer at Fabric8 Gallery.
Art by Jenn Porreca.
Art by Monty Guy at Fabric8 Gallery.
NoMe Edonna at the
Mirus Gallery Crucible art show closing.