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    FIRST THURSDAY - 12.04.14

    (with assistance from RWM)

    Art Consulting from Alan Bamberger

    Art dealers to watch out for. Click Here.


    Robert Koch Gallery: Debra Bloomfield - Wilderness.

    Review by RWM: The wild beckons here with images, accompanied by a book that includes a soundtrack CD. Nice to see these large images which are compelling. They invite rather than intimidate for encounters with the natural.

    Debra Bloomfield artist art

    Serene photography by Debra Bloomfield at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Debra Bloomfield photographs.


    Natural beauty in photographs by Debra Bloomfield.


    Debra Bloomfield (center) discusses her photography at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Photographs by Debra Bloomfield.


    Ambiance - Debra Bloomfield photography show at Robert Koch Gallery.


    John Berggruen Gallery: Holiday Sale.

    Artists: John Baldessari, Al Held, Robert Bechtle, Christopher Brown, Chuck Close, Tom Friedman, Philip Guston, Jane Hammond, Martin Puryear, Joel Shapiro, Kiki Smith, Paul Wonner more.

    Review by RWM: Cool show where one can gain ownership to art by the famous. Some quality works by some of the very best known artists on display. Everything is reasonably priced... and inspiring.

    Comment by AB: Here's something you don't see every day... big name artists at bargain prices, some as much as 40% off. Special added bonus-- the gallery lists the original price as well as the sale price on every single piece. Now how many other art galleries have you ever seen do that? I like it!

    artist art

    Art by John Baldessari (right) at John Berggruen Gallery.


    Robert Kelly art (center).


    L-R, art by Philip Guston, Tom Friedman, Chuck Close.


    Jane Hammond art.


    Jane Hammond art in above image closer.


    R-L, art by Al Held, Christopher Brown, Paul Wonner.


    Fraenkel Gallery: The Plot Thickens - 35th Anniversary Exhibition.

    Photographers: Charles Clifford, Lee Friedlander, Sol LeWitt, Jess, Christian Marclay, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Charles Sheeler, Helen Levitt, Thomas Eakins, William Eggleston, Nan Goldin, found photographs, anonymous photographers, more.

    Comment by AB: 100 photographs dating from 1858 to the present, and a 250-page catalogue celebrate the gallery's 35th anniversary. A little bit of everything here makes for a most entertaining show. My favorite? A photographic catalogue of lighting fixtures from 1914. Plenty to see and well worth a visit.

    artist art

    Photographic 1914 lighting catalogue at Fraenkel Gallery (like it).


    Photography and collage by Jess.


    35th anniversary photograph show at Fraenkel Gallery.


    The basic idea - all kinds of photographs at Fraenkel Gallery.


    SF Camerawork: Aftermath - Kerry Mansfield; Seeing Through, Stories about Cancer & Connection - Michael Shindler in collaboration with Help Each Other Out.

    Comment by AB: A photography show and much more all about triumph over adversity, adversity in this case being breast cancer. Kerry Mansfield gets personal, documenting her two-year experience in photographs from diagnosis straight on through to reconstructive surgery. Michael Shindler's collaboration with Help Each Other Out is all about establishing support and assistance for breast cancer survivors, both during and after treatement. Intensely heartfelt show and well worth attending.

    Kerry Mansfield artist art

    Documentary self-portraits by Kerry Mansfield at SF Camerawork.


    Documentary photographs by Kerry Mansfield.


    Kerry Mansfield (center) discusses her photography at SF Camerawork.


    Photography by Michael Shindler in conjunction with Help Each Other Out.


    Participatory survey questions from Help Each Other Out.


    Book & Job Gallery: Confessions for a Son - McNair Evans.

    Comment by AB: Combination book release and photography show documents the photographer's not-always-pleasant journey into his family's past. From the good times to the not-so-good, he lays it all out here in photographs and installations.

    McNair Evans artist art

    Broken glass/broken dream photography by McNair Evans at Book & Job Gallery.


    McNair Evans documents the explorations of his past.


    Going back home - photography by McNair Evans.

    McNair Evans art

    McNair Evans photographs.


    Topsy-turvy installation by McNair Evans.


    Broken glass from the past - McNair Evans photo show at Book & Job Gallery.




    Vintage photography at Robert Tat Gallery.


    Vintage photographs by various artists at Robert Tat Gallery.


    Documenting the San Francisco art scene is incredibly difficult and time-consuming work. Care to support the cause? You can always do that by heading on over HERE.


    First Thursday - November 6, 2014

    First Thursday - October 2, 2014
