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886 Geary Gallery: Christopher Derek Bruno - Here and There Now and Then; Thomas Bestvina - What We See is What We Forget;
Art on window blinds by Christopher Derek Bruno at 886 Geary Gallery.
Christopher Derek Bruno and his art.
Art by Christopher Derek Bruno.
Christopher Derek Bruno window blind art.
Art by Thomas Bestvina.
Thomas Bestvina art at 886 Geary Gallery.
White Walls & Shooting Gallery: Real Fake, Empty Crate - CANTSTOPGOODBOY
Art by CANTSTOPGOODBOY at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
The basic idea - CANTSTOPGOODBOY art show at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
Scott Greenwalt & his art.
Art by Scott Greenwalt.
Art by Tibor Simon-Mazula.
Tibor Simon-Mazula.
Luna Rienne Gallery and Furtherrr Collective: Coalescence - Justin Lovato and Sebastian Wahl
Cosmic art by Sebastian Wahl up close at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Art by Sebastian Wahl.
Sebastian Wahl and his visionary collage art at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Collaborative art by Justin Lovato and Sebastian Wahl.
Art by Justin Lovato.
Justin Lovato and his art at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Art by Justin Lovato.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Relative density - Justin Lovato & Sebastian Wahl at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Campfire Gallery: Cosmos - Bunnie Reiss & Ricardo Vicente Jose Ruiz
Art by Bunnie Reiss at Campfire Gallery.
Art by Bunnie Reiss.
Bunnie Reiss and her art at Campfire Gallery.
Art by Ricardo Vicente Jose Ruiz.
Ricardo Vicente Jose Ruiz art.
Head count - Bunnie Reiss & Ricardo Vicente Jose Ruiz at Campfire Gallery.
The Luggage Store Gallery: Candy Paint II; In - Alex Bradley Cohen & Marissa Neuman
Candy Paint II artists: Justin Hager, Michelle Guintu, Kristen Liu-Wong, Rye Purvis, Yarrow Slaps.
Nope Yup art on egg crates at The Luggage Store Gallery.
The many faces of Dennis Rodman - art by Justin Hager closer.
Justin Hager art.
Art by Michelle Guintu.
Rye Purvis art.
Art by Kristen Liu-Wong up close.
Art by Yarrow Slaps up close.
Demographics - group art show at The Luggage Store Gallery.
Art by Alex Bradley Cohen & Marissa Neuman.
Art in above image closer.
Alex Bradley Cohen & Marissa Neuman art at The Luggage Store Gallery.
Root Division: Bay Area Digitalists. Curated by Rhiannon Evans MacFadyen
Artists: Benjamin De Kosnik, Scott Kildall, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, Kadet Kuhne, Al Grumet, Tim Roseborough, Smith/Allen (Stephanie Smith & Bryan Allen).
Comment by AB: Art made with the assistance of technology.
"Printed" sculpture by Kadet Kuhne at Root Division.
Sculpture by Smith/Allen (Stephanie Smith & Bryan Allen).
Art/installation by Al Grumet.
Benjamin De Kosnik art.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Mustache chess art by Scott Kildall.
Prints & video by Tim Roseborough.
Long view - art meets technology - group show at Root Division.
Accident & Artifact: All One Song - Monoprints by Louesa Roebuck
Art by Louesa Roebuck at Accident & Artifact.
Monoprints by Louesa Roebuck - plenty to choose from.
Louesa Roebuck art.
Circumstance - Louesa Roebuck art show at Accident & Artifact.