(with assistance from RWM)
Jack Fischer Gallery: Heiko Muller - Stay Awake.
Comment by AB: A perplexing selection of work by Heiko Muller, likely purposely so, touches upon subjects as diverse a black and white film noir rendition of Henry Fonda brandishing a switchblade, Baseman-esque birdies, strange victorian character portraits with faces concealed, hooded torch-bearing zealots, and paintings of innocent forest creatures imbued with subtle symbology. Sorta kinda like it.
Art by Heiko Muller.
Heiko Muller art.
Art by Heiko Muller closer.
Art closer by Heiko Muller.
Henry Fonda gets threatening - art by Heiko Muller.
Art by Heiko Muller closer.
Mina Dresden Gallery: aStigma - Dan Peknik.
Review by RWM: Cool unusual art that one can look at with the lights off. Not quite right as night lights, but the work defies expectations. Nebulous in shape and structure are nebulous, they relax the viewer with their soothing exteriors.
Comment by AB: Dan Peknik, a visual design researcher at NASA Ames Research Center, engages techniques and materials from NASA-land and in so doing, transitions science into art. Nicely done and worth a visit.
Photographic light box art by Dan Peknik.
Backlit photography by Dan Peknik.
Dan Peknik.
Backlit photo by Dan Peknik.
Light box photographs by Dan Peknik.
Photos by Dan Peknik.
Attendance figures.
[ 2nd floor projects ]: Sweet Believer Exit - John de Fazio and Daniel Minnick; Three-way by Suzanne Stein.
Review by RWM: Inspiring work. Woodstock's 40th Anniversary is right around the corner. Black and White images by Daniel Minnick, but psychedelic in their own way.
Comment by AB: Grotesque yet meditative portraiture with kaleidoscope overtones by Daniel Minnick complement a line of outlandish ceramic bongs (and a green-eyed speckle-tongued puppie couple) by John de Fazio. (For those of you keeping score at home, de Fazio's prices suggest that he likely puts his bongs to good use.) Uh... almost forgot... to top it all off, a wall-mounted doll with four dabs of pink paint across its torso. I have no clue as to the aggregate upshot, but who cares? It's good art and that's what counts.
Off the wall bong art by John de Fazio.
Ceramic bong art closer by John de Fazio.
Ceramic art puppie couple by John de Fazio.
More ceramic bong art by John de Fazio.
Art by Daniel Minnick.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Daniel Minnick.
Paint dab doll art.