(with assistance from RWM)
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Geras Tousignant Gallery: Micro California - Recent Etchings by Russell Pachman.
Review by RWM: A plethora of miniature etchings by Russell Pachman to display on one's wall. Their small size lends gravitas to the intensive process necessary to create art. Revel in the minutiae.
Etchings of drains by Russell Pachman at Geras Tousignant Gallery.
Pinkie cam detail of Russell Pachman etching in above image.
Etching by Russell Pachman.
Russell Pachman and his art at Geras Tousignant Gallery.
Etching birds perched on power lines by Russell Pachman.
Pinkie cam detail of Russell Pachman etching in above image.
Russell Pachman etchings at Geras Tousignant Gallery.
Cowboys & Angels: Lisa Alonzo - The Narcissist.
Comment by AB: Chic beautiful people rendered in astonishing intricacy.
Art by Lisa Alonzo at Cowboys & Angels.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Lisa Alonzo in above image.
See? I told you it was astonishing.
Lisa Alonzo art at Cowboys & Angels.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Lisa Alonzo in above image.
Art by Lisa Alonzo.
Circumstance - Lisa Alonzo art show at Cowboys & Angels.
Roll Up Gallery: Words from the Water. Curated by Betty Bigas.
Artists: Alexis Amann, Jose Arenas, Sharon Hennessey, Greg Clayton.
Review by RWM: Uncharacteristic takes on the aqua manifest variety and inspiration. You can completely submerge or just get your their feet wet.
Art by Alexis Amann at Roll Up Gallery.
Human smorgasbord art by Alexis Amann.
Alexis Amann art at Roll Up Gallery.
Art by Jose Arenas at Roll Up Gallery.
Art by Sharon Hennessey (two on the left).
Art by Greg Clayton (I think).
1AM Gallery: Dark Matter. Curated by Valerie Leavy.
Artists: John Felix Arnold III, Christopher Burch, C3, Stan Chisholm, Casey Cripe, Jade Palasek, Justin Tolentino.
Comment by AB: Take a quick trip to the netherworld here and encounter various strange characters along the way. Don't worry; it's safe.
Creepy quality pencil drawings at 1AM Gallery.
Curator Valerie Leavy unfurls "Slaughter All Celebrities" banner.
Nicely done cosmic art at 1AM Gallery.
I wouldn't mind having this couple over for dinner.
Art on metal serving platters at 1AM Gallery.
Elaborate oversized ink drawings at 1AM Gallery.