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Silverman Gallery: Forms and Inflections.
Artists: Christopher Badger, Stanley Brouwn, Aspen Mays, Hayal Pozanti, Florian & Michael Quistrebert, Sean Raspet, Hugh Scott-Douglas.
Comment by AB: I have sprained more brain cells trying to hack through Silverman Gallery show statements, but hey-- it's all about the art, right? Right. And that's precisely what keeps me coming back. This time around, underlying essentials range from Minimalism to math, with Sean Raspet's scrupulous fragmented mirror clocks easily taking First Place. Four geometric paintings by Christopher Badger also gratify. Stop on by.
One of three mirror clocks by Sean Raspet (like it).
Two of four geometric paintings by Christopher Badger.
Florian and Michael Quistrebert wall art at Silverman Gallery.
Art by Hugh Scott-Douglas.
Hyal Pozanti art at Silverman Gallery.
Art by Aspen Mays.
Sean Raspet installation art at Silverman Gallery.
SUPERFROG Gallery at New People presented by the San Francisco Film Society: Marius Watz - Automatic Writing.
Comment by AB: State-of-the-art sculpture, video, murals and wall pieces comprise this exhibition by Norwegian "software artist" Marius Watz-- 100% of it generated by digital means. People often ask me whether digital art is really art. The answer, as anyone can clearly see here, is yes. It takes a while for artists to master any new medium; Watz's endeavors are about as masterful as current mastery gets. Definitely worth a visit.
Digitally produced video art by Marius Watz at SUPERFROG Gallery.
Computer generated mural art by Marius Watz.
Marius Watz and laser etched wood panel art at SUPERFROG Gallery.
Laser-etched wood panel art by Marius Watz.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image by Marius Watz.
Computer generated sculpture by Marius Watz.
Pinkie cam detail of sculpture by Marius Watz in above image.
Video art by Marius Watz at SUPERFROG Gallery.
Digital video art by Marius Watz.
Long view - art by Marius Watz at SUPERFROG Gallery.