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John Pence Gallery: Jeremy Mann.
Comment by AB: Virtuoso artist Jeremy Mann can paint pretty much whatever he wants... and splendidly well at that. His elaborate impressionist cityscapes are marvels to connoisseurs of the discipline. Why? 'Cuz they're thoroughly realistic at a distance but as you zero on in, they progressively diffuse into complete abstractions. As you peruse the show, you notice that his influences likely include Jean Leon Gerome (or maybe William-Adolphe Bouguereau), Emil Carlsen and Antonio Mancini among others). Excellent work and definitely worth seeing.
Art by Jeremy Mann at John Pence Gallery.
Cityscape art by Jeremy Mann.
19th century knock-off art by Jeremy Mann - capably reenacted.
Jeremy Mann and his art at John Pence Gallery.
Another update on a classic composition c/o Jeremy Mann (like it).
Art by Jeremy Mann in above image closer at John Pence Gallery.
Jeremy Mann art.
Emil Carlsen reincarnated c/o Jeremy Mann at John Pence Gallery.
Jeremy Mann cityscape art at John Pence Gallery.
Jeremy Mann cityscape art closer.
Relative density - Jeremy Mann art show at John Pence Gallery.
John Pence gallery outer - Jeremy Mann art show.
Alter Space: What's Left Behind.
Artists: Zina Al-Shukri, Alexis Arnold, William Emmert, Julian Farmers-Bowers, Meghan Martin, Maja Ruzniz, Esther Samuels-Davis, Cianna Valley, Imin Yeh, COLPA Press.
Comment by AB: To enhance the show, the gallery's walls have been plastered over with 700 conjoined prints to make it look like an abandoned house. The letdown is that though the art is supposedly indicative of what abandoners leave behind, a number of the participating artists do pretty much the same art that they do no matter where they're showing. If it's themed, play to the theme. Don't simply take the art you make already make and cognitively reconfigure it to match whatever parameters they've set for you. Gimme an experience, not a rehash.
Art by Zina Al-Shukri at Alter Space.
Ersatz VHS tape art by William Emmert.
Art by Maja Ruzniz at Alter Space.
Crystallization art by Alexis Arnold.
Esther Samuels-Davis art at Alter Space group show.
Concrete art at "What's Left Behind" group show.
More concrete art at Alter Space.
Art by Marcel Patzwald, I think.
Interesting mini money and hand collages.
Panorama - "What's Left Behind" group art show at Alter Space.
Mission Comics and Art: The Unearthed Spider Codex - Ozi "FEODOME" Magaņa.
Comment by AB: Among other things, Ozi Magaņa postulates on what life would be like if Mayan gods were interjected into the superhero universe.
Mayan superhero art by Ozi "FEODOME" Magaņa at Mission Comics and Art.
Ozi Magaņa and his art in above image closer.
Art by Ozi "FEODOME" Magaņa at Mission Comics and Art.
Ozi "FEODOME" Magaņa art.
Ozi Magaņa art at Mission Comics and Art.
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