06.04.15 Part II
(with assistance from Anneliese Vobis and RWM)
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SF Camerawork: Long-Term Survivor Project - Hunter Reynolds, Frank Yamrus, and Grahame Perry
Photographs of long-term AIDS survivors by Frank Yamrus at SF Camerawork.
Mixed-media art by Hunter Reynolds.
Detail of Hunter Reynolds art.
AIDS medication digital collage by Grahame Perry.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image at SF Camerawork.
Long view - 3-person show honoring National HIV/AIDS Long-Term Survivor Day.
1AM Gallery: CMYK - RPES, PEMEX, AMUSE 126
Anneliese Vobis reports, "Expressive strong colors confront us with dense elaborate imagery. Salon style formations comment about social and political information." Universal printing color art by RPES at 1AM Gallery.
RPES art closer (image c/o Anneliese Vobis).
Art by PEMEX.
Ink drawing by AMUSE 126.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Small art by RPES, PEMEX & AMUSE 126.
Art in above image closer at 1AM Gallery.
Robert Tat Gallery: San Francisco - Rebirth of the Enduring City
100+ years of vintage San Francisco photographs at Robert Tat Gallery.
Historic San Francisco photographs.
Small Ferry Building photograph in above image closer.
Tinted photograph of the Pan Pacific International Exhibition, SF 1915.
Vintage San Francisco photographs.
Small photograph looking down Market Street after the l906 earthquake.
Scott Nichols Gallery: Tom Bianchi - Fire Island Pines
Vintage Fire Island photographs by Tom Bianchi.
Tom Bianchi images - contemporary prints done from original Polaroids.
Polaroid photographs by Tom Bianchi dating from 1979-1983.
Tom Bianchi vintage Fire Island photography.
SMAart Gallery: Print - Paper - Paste
Artists: Javier Chalini, Dilcia Giron, Sylvia Vientulis, Linda Masotti.
Comments and images by Anneliese Vobis, "Detail-rich investigations in paper. Abstract work contrasts with representational print techniques. Multi-layered narratives invite for closer inspection."
RWM adds, "Amazing symbolic work which some might miss to their disadvantage because the gallery is a bit of a trip from downtown. The symbolism of this work is mind blowing. You also can revel in the styles which for some is foreign. Mind-expanding art at very affordable prices. Acquire others' dreams and nightmares for their walls. Interesting to enter the minds of these artists for experiences that can be remembered like adventures." L-R, art by Linda Masotti & Dilcia Giron at SMAart Gallery.
Linda Masotti art in above image closer.
Dilcia Giron art in top image closer.
Javier Chalini and his art at SMAart Gallery.
Javier Chalini art in above image closer.
Art by Sylvia Vientulis.
SOMArts Gallery: Glitter Bomb. Curated by Darius Bost, Jacqueline Francis, Viêt Lê, Rudy Lemcke, Matt McKinley, and Pamela Peniston
Artists: Indira Allegra, Association Les Dégommeuses, Crystal Barr, Micah Bazant, Austin Boe, Joe Bruns, Hugh Buck, Heather Buechler, Jessica Burke, Eliana Cetto, Cathy Fares, Zeph Fishlyn, Marco Garcia, Chrysta Giffen, Katie Gilmartin, Helle Grøndahl, Wesley Harvey, Angela Hennessy, Jon Henry, Sarolta Jane, Katie Kaapcke, Aaron Kantor, Dorian Katz, Nia King, Diana Martin Lapeña, Bo Luengsuraswat, Jacqueline Mary, Omar Mismar, Khoi Nguyen, John Paradiso, Grahame Perry, Klaus Pinter, Lori M. Rillera, Eight Rock, Sam Thorp, Sanh Tran, Courtney Trouble, William Ulrich, Wilma van de Hel, Nafis White.
Photography by Chrysta Giffen - part of The National Queer Arts Festival
at SOMArts Gallery.
"All the AIDS Obituaries" by Grahame Perry.
"Tell your troubles to a salmon" performance art.
John Paradiso art close up.
Flamboyant furniture by Marco Garcia.
Video by Aaron Kantor.
Linoleum cut by Katie Gilmartin.
Acreage - group art show at SOMArts Gallery.
Out front at Ramon's Tailor Postal Collage Project show.
Image c/o Anneliese Vobis.
Ramon's Tailor show window closer - image c/o Anneliese Vobis.