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Consulate General of Luxembourg in San Francisco: Philippe Emmanuel Lamesch - Recent Works.
Comment by AB: Exhibit of copper etchings (and plates) by Philippe Lamesch, a molecular biologist who began making prints while at graduate school in Boston over ten years ago, and currently an artist-in-residence at Kala Art Institute in Berkeley.
Copper plate etchings by Philippe Lamesch at Luxembourg Consulate.
Art by Philippe Lamesch.
Copper plates used to make etchings by Philippe Lamesch.
Art by Philippe Lamesch at the Luxembourg Consulate.
Philippe Lamesch copper plate etchings.
Altman Siegel Gallery: Chris Johanson - This, This, This, That.
Comment by AB: Chris Johanson's press release for the show consists of a poem about life and living, its essence being something on the order of "Enjoy it while you got it no matter what it is," and the art on display perhaps the visual component of that. Whether I'm divining the true meaning of the dealie bob, I have no idea, but it's a take-away I can groove on regardless. Audio entertainment is courtesy of Sun Foot (Chris Johanson, Brian Mumford and Ron Burns)... and they're good too. Stop on by.
Art/installation by Chris Johanson at Altman Siegel Gallery.
Art by Chris Johanson (taken the night before).
Art by Chris Johanson.
Chris Johanson performing at Altman Siegel Gallery.
Art by Chris Johanson (Barry McGee in da house).
Chris Johanson art closer.
Art/installation by Chris Johanson.
Chris Johanson art.
Art by Chris Johanson.
Chris Johanson & Sun Foot & everybody else at Altman Siegel Gallery.
Adobe Books Backroom Gallery: The Invisible Method. Curated by Alberto Cuadros.
Artists: Alberto Cuadros, Laura Flippen, Jamie Daughters, Barrett Gent, Phil Elverum, Kanoa Zimmerman.
Comment by AB: Outdoor photography ranging from calm to cryptic to primeval to to mildly foreboding.
Photography at Adobe Books Backroom Gallery.
Photography at Adobe Books Backroom Gallery.
Adobe Books Backroom Gallery photography group show.
Photographs from Invisible Method group show.
Adobe Bookshop proper.
Wonderland SF: What does Wonderland means to you?
Artists: Alberto Toscano, Alec Huxley, Alex Uncapher, Amanda Lynn, Andrei Bouzikov, Andrzej Michael Karwacki, Brian Holliday, Brooke Farrington, Chris Love, Chris Stokes, Christie Newman, Christine Dougherty, John Chui, Crystal Sylver, Danny Valdez, Ryan Stubbs (Duser), Eric Joyner, Eve Skylar, Gianluca Franzese, Hilary Williams, Ian Ross, Jan Brugger, Jasper Thomas, Jay Howell, Jeffrey Nemenzo, Jeff Neugebauer, Jeremy Mann, John Carling, Johnny Ringo, Jordan Quintero, Joshua King, Joshua Lawyer, Joslyn Doerge, Lacey Bryant, Lauren Napolitano, "Marcus Art", Maria Fatima, Lacey Bryant, Mark Campbell, Micah LeBrun, Michael Foley, Paul Mendoza, Phoenix Zoellick, Pixelstud, Renne Castro, Rick Kitagawa, Robert Garcia, Robert Harris, ROMANOWSKI, Sean Chapman, Sean Sczepanik, Slava Likhatchev, Solis, Stephanie Mufson, Steve Javiel, Telopa, Timothy Rose, Xiau-Fong Wee, Yuri Psinakis, Yvette Buigues.
Comment by AB: A raft of artists interpret the Wonderland experience in 16 x 16 inch format.
Art from 16 x 16 group show at Wonderland SF.
Art by Telopa, bottom row center.
Don't you just love positive art? I sure do.
Art by Romanowski, bottom - group show at Wonderland SF.
Relative density - group art show at Wonderland SF.
Art by Dray at Gallery 1044.
More from art by Dray at Gallery 1044.
Last one from Dray art show at Gallery 1044.
Noel Ibay art about bears - BeaRMUSEMENT at Magnet.
Art about bears by Noel Ibay- BeaRMUSEMENT - at Magnet.
BeaRMUSEMENT - art about bears by Noel Ibay at Magnet.