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Tangent Contemporary Art: Chas McFeely - Don't Tase Me Bro
Comment by AB: What do you get when you take nondescript 19th century portrait paintings and retrofit them with snapback caps? This. Nonsensical premise; hilarious results. Stop on by.
New cap on antique portrait by Chas McFeely at Tangent Contemporary Art.
Chas McFeely art.
New cap on old art by Chas McFeely.
Chas McFeely art.
Art by Chas McFeely.
Small updated antique painting by Chas McFeely.
Relative density - Chas McFeely art show at Tangent Contemporary Art.
Jessica Silverman Gallery: Let There Be (More) Light
Artists: Andrea Bowers, Nina Canell, Adriano Costa, Martin Creed, Claire Fontaine, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Alfredo Jaar, Joseph Kosuth, Glenn Ligon, Adriana Martinez, Steve McQueen, Jonathan Monk, Paulina Olowska, Mai-Thu Perret, Jason Rhoades, Ana Rold�n, Nasser Al Salem, Keith Sonnier, Ron Terada, Cerith Wyn Evans.
Comment by AB: Group show of twenty artists who work in neon.
Neon nesting dolls by Paulina Olowska at Jessica Silverman Gallery.
Neon art by Andrea Bowers.
L-R, neon art by Adriana Martinez and Keith Sonnier.
Steve McQueen neon art.
Jason Rhoades channels Bill Culbert in his neon 5-gallon bucket pole lamp.
Andrea Schwartz Gallery: Robin Kandel - The 45th Parallel
Comment by AB: The 45th parallel is located halfway between the North Pole and the Equator. It also happens to run through Traverse City, MI, a place Robin Kandel recently visited. This show is about both real and conceptual aspects of that journey and experience.
Robin Kandel and her art at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.
Art in above image closer.
Art in top image closer.
Art by Robin Kandel - often composed of many lines or intricate grids.
Smaller works by Robin Kandel.
Art in above image closer.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Robin Kandel.
Dog Eared Books in the Castro: Jason Mecier - Real Housewives of Macaroni
Comment by AB: Jason Mecier recreates Real Housewives TV personalities with beans and pasta. The frames are embellished with edibles as well. As outrageous as they are good. What's for lunch? Art of course.
Real Housewives of Macaroni - art by Jason Mecier at Dog Eared Books.
Art in above image closer.
Detail of frame in above image (like it).
Jason Mecier and his art at Dog Eared Books.
Bean and pasta art by Jason Mecier.
Pinkie cam detail of art you can sink your teeth into by Jason Mecier.