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Fused Space: The Present and the Probable
Artists: Shannon Finley, Dashiell Manley, Ruairiadh O'Connell, Hayal Pozanti, Hugh Scott-Douglas, Hilary Lloyd, Suzanne Blank Redstone, Nicole Wermers, Margo Wolowiec.
Comment by AB: Jessica Silverman Gallery artists group show. Some have been with the gallery for a while; others are recent additions.
Art by Ruairiadh O'Connell at Fused Space.
Hugh Scott-Douglas art.
Sculpture by Nicole Wermers.
Thick rich impasto art.
Art in above image closer (kinda like it).
Art by Hayal Pozanti (left) - Margo Wolowiec woven art (right).
Dashiell Manley art (I think).
Demographics - group art show at Fused Space.