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FraenkelLab: St�phanie Solinas - Identit�
Comment by AB: Nine-year survey of St�phanie Solinas' work concerns her investigations into various aspects and perceptions of identity including ways it can be defined, depicted, inferred and altered. Good show; go see.
Cyanotypes by St�phanie Solinas at FraenkelLab.
Portrait photograph with hand-applied hair by St�phanie Solinas.
Pinkie cam detail of hand-applied whiskers in above image (like it).
St�phanie Solinas and her art at FraenkelLab.
Bronze finger tip sculptures as an aspect of identity by St�phanie Solinas.
Fingertips in above image in perspective.
Folded paper sculpture portrait by St�phanie Solinas.
Portrait photograph with hand-altered eyes and hair.
Pinkie cam detail of alterations in above image.