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Altman Siegel Gallery: Alex Olson - Crooner
Comment by AB: Rich swaths of color, effortless in essence, commingle in beguiling and sensuous ways. Worth a visit.
Art by Alex Olson at Altman Seigel Gallery.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image (like it).
Art by Alex Olson.
Art in above image closer (like it).
Alex Olson art.
Art by Alex Olson (that's her on the right) at Altman Siegel Gallery.
SOMArts Gallery: Foreigh Language Magic Word Mother Tongue
Artists: Michael Arcega, Tommy Becker, The Bureau of Linguistical Reality, Anita Chang, Christy Chan, Jamil Hellu, Darrin Martin, Cristina Victor, Sasha Petrenko.
Comment by AB: "A poly-lingual exhibition, featuring artists and performers investigating the relationships between language, culture and identity." Curated by The New Urban Naturalists.
Installation by Darrin Martin at SOMArts Gallery (kinda like it).
Video by Tommy Becker.
Tommy Becker art.
Detritus of daily life - installation by Michael Arcega.
Art in above image closer.
Installation by Sasha Petrenko. A mite slapdash, don't you think?
Expanse - group art show at SOMArts Gallery.