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Andrea Schwartz Gallery: Jeffrey Palladini and Alex Weinstein - Recent Works
Comment by AB: Soothing meditative paintings by Alex Weinstein represent real places, but at the same time verge on abstraction. They're kinda like visual versions of Samadhi tanks. Jeffrey Palladini's ambiguous portraits and figure paintings allow viewers ample room for interpretation.
Art by Jeffrey Palladini at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.
Indeterminate portrait painting by Jeffrey Palladini.
Jeffrey Palladini and his art at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.
Art by Jeffrey Palladini.
Tranquil art by Alex Weinstein.
Art by Alex Weinstein.
Alex Weinstein and his art at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.
Art by Alex Weinstein.
Demographics - Jeffrey Palladini & Alex Weinstein at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.
RayKo Photo Center: 9th Annual Plastic Camera Show
Comment by AB: Back in the good old days, the photographs in this show actually looked like they were taken with low-end plastic cameras, and skillfully exploited their shortcomings. Now many of them are so polished, they look like they could have been taken with pretty much any quality camera on the market today. So then what's the point? I say bring back the good old days.
Photograph by featured photographer Gordon Stettinius at RayKo Photo Center.
Roadside Americana photographs by Gordon Stettinius.
Weird juxtaposition photography by Gordon Stettinius.
Center L-R, photographs by J R Karlin and Thomas Alleman.
B K Skaggs photograph.
Photograph by Michael Shannon.
Petra Davis photography.
Relative density - plastic camera photography show at RayKo Photo Center.
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts: 30th Solo Mujeres Exhibit - War, Woes, and Transformations
Artists: Thuy Linh Kang, Balitronica, Jessica E. Brown, Iris Ergul, Nancy Ledesma, Monica Alvarez, Bianca Nandzik, Ytaelena Lopez, Yolanda Guerra, Mariana Sasoo, Mujeres Grabando Resistencias.
Comment by AB: Always plenty to contemplate here as talented women artists express their opinions, ideas, commentaries and perspectives on the world.
Nice work by Ytaelena Lopez at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts.
Unsettling fabric sculpture by Iris Ergul.
Monica Alvarez art.
Activist prints by Mujeres Grabando Resistencias.
Text-based art/installation by Balitronica.
Thuy Linh Kang paintings look kinda like Keanes.
Art by Nancy Ledesma.
Art by Yolanda Guerra.
Detail of art in above image.
Panorama - group show at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts.