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Altman Siegel Gallery: Liam Everett - The Elephant Calf
Comment by AB: You'll find all sorts of activity embedded within these finely worked and layered abstracts by Liam Everett. I love 'em not only because they're exquisitely composed but also because they're so well made, perfect in every respect-- up close, at a distance, front, sides, and I'm sure even the backs. Good art; go see.
Art by Liam Everett at Altman Siegel Gallery (like it).
Liam Everett art.
Art in above image closer.
Liam Everett art.
Art by Liam Everett.
Liam Everett art.
Attendance figures - Liam Everett art show at Altman Siegel Gallery.
Norfolk Press: Roberto Matta Aquatints
Comment by AB: Impressive selection of aquatints by Roberto Matta, inhabiting the borderlands between abstract and surrealism
Aquatint by Roberto Matta at Norfolk Press.
Art by Roberto Matta.
Roberto Matta art.
1994 portfolio containing 5 aquatints by Roberto Matta.
Roberto Matta aquatints.
Art in above image closer.
Aquatint by Roberto Matta.
Plenty to see and read at Norfolk Press - Roberto Matta aquatint art show.
Leica Store San Francisco: Revolution Revisited - Photography by Kim Komenich
Comment by AB: Kim Komenich won a Pulitzer for his coverage of the Philippine Revolution. This show of Komenich's photographs and memorabilia commemorates the 30th anniversary of that momentous event.
Philippine Revolution photography by Kim Komenich at Leica Store.
How photographs were transmitted over distances in the old days.
Kim Komenich photographs.
Kim Komenich's Pulitzer Prize, press card and other memorabilia.
Photography by Kim Komenich.
Photographs by Kim Komenich at Leica Store San Francisco.
Residence/SF: Zo� Leonard - Room
Comment by AB: Experimental art space run by San Francisco Art Institute grad students. This time around, Zo� Leonard muslin's the place up and adds a dash of balsamic vinegar plus natural wear from the guests.
Looking in on the action - Zo� Leonard muslin installation.
Interior of Zo� Leonard's "Room" with balsamic vinegar accent, upper right.
Out front at Residence/SF - Zo� Leonard art show.