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Ever Gold [Projects]: Satan Ceramics - Tom Sachs, Mary Frey, JJ Peet, Pat McCarthy
Comment by AB: More satiric than satanic, really. JJ Peet is the teacher, the others are his students. They meet weekly and here's the upshot.
Ceramic art by Mary Frey at Ever Gold Projects.
Mary Frey frog ceramic.
Tom Sachs contraption art - ceramics & much much more.
L-R, ceramic art by JJ Peet, Mary Frey & Tom Sachs.
Mini-casket ceramic by Pat McCarthy.
Mixed-media miscellany by JJ Peet.
Installation view - group ceramic art show at Ever Gold Projects.
Goodnight Projects: fail again, fail better - Matt Kennedy
Comment by AB: Unconventional approaches to showing photographs. Worth a look.
Grand Canyon photographs on books by Matt Kennedy at Goodnight Projects.
Photographs with inset images by Matt Kennedy.
L-R, Matt Kennedy & Goodnight Projects owner Charles Villyard.
Half Dome photographs on 12 ounce cans by Matt Kennedy.
Video of Matt Kennedy pointing at himself pointing at himself.
a.Muse Gallery: Parenthetical Constructs - J. Kung Dreyfus
Comment by AB: Fine art meets graphic design. According to the artist, she and her husband took a sabbatical from wired-in life and instead opted for 450 days of silence, meditation, reflection and contemplation, and this art is a result of that.
Art by J. Kung Dreyfus at a.Muse Gallery.
Art in above image closer.
J. Kung Dreyfus art and art-making equipment.
Art by J. Kung Dreyfus.
J. Kung Dreyfus art.
The Great Highway Gallery: Natural Obscurity - Gerald Hawk
California scenery abstracted - small format photographs by Gerald Hawk.
Photographs by Gerald Hawk.
Gerald Hawk and his photography at The Great Highway Gallery.
Photographs by Gerald Hawk.
Overview - Gerald Hawk photography show at The Great Highway Gallery.