RAQUEL TEITLER - THE JOY OF BREASTS OPENING 12.04.04 Comment: I felt obligated to attend this opening. Yes, I'm a guy, and yes, I like breasts, but there's more to it than that. I can't disregard a show merely because it may be construed by some as having erectilic overtones. It's the violent shows I should ignore-- oh, I forgot-- artists rarely depict violence unless, perhaps, to remind us of the insanity of war. So in the name of art, and on your behalves, I must occasionally risk sustained arousal to bring home the cultural bacon. This a difficult job, but I'm a dedicated man. Photographer Raquel Teitler, in her quest to lift and separate real breasts from perfectly shaped "media" breasts, put out the call for women of all breastitudinalities to "bare and share." Of those who responded, 40 women surrendered to Teitler's camera. Her collaged results are on display at this extremely warm and fuzzy venue. Upstairs are massage tables, floor cushions, music, and dancing. A nice place to be, a San Francisco original-- One Taste Urban Retreat Center. Artist/Artists: Raquel Teitler.
Art. Breast cake. Art. Upstairs. Art. One Taste Urban Retreat Center