FELIX MACNEE OPENING 11.05.04 Comment: One of the better Matt Gonzalez openings I've been to in a while-- packed to overflow with an animated energized vibrational scheme. Macnee's got all the artistic essentials-- the skills, the mind, the vision, the weltanschauung appropriately askew to make things interesting. The show, however, leaves my tank untopped, kind of like everything's there but not quite in the right order, or maybe a bit too much is going in a few too many directions, or maybe one painting's got what another one's missing and the one that's got it doesn't really need it, or maybe I don't know. The art's all good, don't get me wrong; I'm just waiting for dessert. Artist/Artists: Felix Macnee. Art. Art. Artist - associate. Art. Art. Art. Art. Supe (right). Compaction. Supervisor Matt Gonzalez