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Jancar Jones Gallery: Sean Talley - Sean Talley. Review by Libby Nicholaou: Sean Talley chooses rich summer colors and wise spatial orientation for this exhibit of abstract shapes. The prints are hung in a way that causes mirroring within the different sets. With such a white gallery, the pieces couldn't have a better stage. Comment by AB: Reductive reductivism reduced to it's least common denominator in pristine manner. Priced right-- $150-$300 unframed; $250-$550 framed. Art by Sean Talley. Sean Talley - art (photo c/o Libby Nicholaou). Art. Art. Art. *** Gallery 16: Leigh Wells - New Drawings. Review by Libby Nicholaou: Leigh Wells presents a mixture of large sweeping line drawings and collage pieces in this exhibit. The natural movement in her lines provides a stillness for the viewer. While simple and clean, Wells' exhibit maintains a complexity in applied meanings. Comment by AB: Crisp clean drawings and mixed media collage works transit past, present, and future in curious ways-- plus they're admirably technically sound. Art by Leigh Wells. Art. Art. Art. Art. *** Fecal Face Dot Gallery: Tara Foley - Say Hello To Neverending. Comment by AB: Tara Foley explores perennial patterns, cyclical circumstances, open-ended outcomes, and similar situations with neither beginnings nor ends. What it is. Flip side of what it is. Art by Tara Foley. Art. Art. Art. Detail of painting in above image. *** Mission 17 Gallery: Ryan Alexiev - The Land Of A Million Cereals. Comment by AB: Ryan Alexiev goes serial with cereal. Attractions include a monster Trix box composed of innumerable miniature cereal boxes, a hilarious video of various people trying to eat a bowl of cereal with a berserk mechanized cereal feeder, celebrity cereal portraits including Osama Bin Laden and Larry King, cereal fashion, and more. Cereal art by Ryan Alexiev. Cereal art a la Damien Hirst. Art. Ryan Alexiev - art. Cereal art. Cereal art. *** Intersection for the Arts: Annual Fundraising Auction. Artists: Kim Abeles, Brad K. Alder, Brett Amory, Kathy Aoki, April Banks, Claudia Bernardi, Michele Carlson, Victor Cartagena, Thomas Chang, Chris Cobb, Brett Cook, Binh Danh, Lauren Davies, Sergio de la Torre, Luis Delgado, Lauren DiCioccio, Tina Dillman, Ala Ebtekar, Nome Edonna, Amanda Eicher, Tia Factor, Korin Faught, Ana Teresa Fernandez, Erik Foster, Adam Friedman, Matt Gonzalez, Mayumi Hamanaka, Taro Hattori, Taraneh Hemami, Dana Hemenway, Jonn Herschend, Dee Hibbert-Jones, Suzanne Husky, Jason Jagel, Packard Jennings, Ian Johnson, Jordan Kantor, Jeff Kao, Melissa Kaseman, Audrey Kawasaki, Scott Kildall, David King, Samantha Lautman, Christine Lee, Jose Ramon Lerma, Frederick Loomis, James Luna, Kara Maria, Gabriela Martinez, Stephani Martinez, Christina Mazza, Chris McCaw, Michael McConnell, John Patrick McKenzie, Julio Cesar Morales, Abner Nolan, billy o'callaghan, Scott Oliver, Deborah Oropallo, Jennie Ottinger, Kamau Patton, Hilary Pecis, Patrick Piazza, Mel Prest, Moshe Quinn, Michael Rauner, Ricardo Richey, Rigo 23, Airyka Rockefeller, Favianna Rodriguez, Brion Nuda Rosch, Nadim Sabella, Jos Sances, Zachary Royer Scholz, Andrew Schoultz, Sharon Siskin, Tracey Snelling, Deth P. Sun, Stephanie Syjuco, Seiko Tachibana, Weston Teruya, Amanda Williams, Megan Wilson, Jenifer K. Wofford, Christine Wong Yap, Michael Zheng. Comment by AB: Intersection for the Arts celebrates 43 years as a going concern in San Francisco's creative community. How? With an art auction offering works by over 100 artists. That's on the second floor. In the first floor theater, you'll find food, beverages, and energized socializing. Proceeds benefit Intersection for the Arts programs as well as hundreds of artists it supports annually-- both visual and performing. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Attendance figures. *** Soap Gallery: Produce. Artists: Ross Campbell, Matt Cella, Julumarie Joy Cornista, Tom Mueske, Renetta Sitoy Comment by AB: Group show weighs in on "the plastic realm of comfortable consumerism." Not exactly sure how certain works address the issue, but I'll take their word for it. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Demographics. *** Secession Art & Design: Grand Opening Party. Artists/designers: Sita Rupe, Blair Bradshaw, Hilary Williams, New Skool, Taxi CDC, Saaz Designs, Green Dog Designs, Judy Aurora. Comment by AB: Art, fashion, jewelry, more. Art. Art. Art. Art. *** Rare Device: Amy Ross - Shapeshifter. Review and images by Libby Nicholaou: Amy Ross's pieces create a conversation about relationships between different forms of life. Both her watercolors and collages morph nature and its creatures. Her style, incorporating elements of antique and period art, blends the traditional with quirkiness. I'm excited to see new additions to her 'shroom series. Watercolor by Amy Ross. Amy Ross (right) - Rare Device owner (center) - pooch (left). Collage. Collage. *** Galeria de la Raza: Maria - Politics. Sex. Death. Men. Artists: Keith Aguiar, Robert Guzman, Allan Herrera, Jody Jock, Jonathan Solo, Ernesto Soprani, Leo Herrera. Comment by AB: Group show in conjunction with Quelaco's 10th Annual Queer Latino Arts Festival and the National Queer Arts Festival explores a variety of significant issues confronted by the queer community, Latino in particular, such as hate, bigotry, violence, religious positions on homosexuality, and more. Good show. Art. Art. Art. Hate kills. Who hate kills. Art. Art. Cornucopia of condoms. Words that hurt. *** Edo Salon: Juliette Lemontey - I'm Not There. Comment by AB: Mixed media paintings on antique linen sheets by Juliette Lemontey portray reclining women in varying states of tension. According to Lemontey, "Their bodies are here, but their minds are elsewhere." Also on display are featureless ink portraits of women sporting hairstyles from the 1960s. Paintings by Juliette Lemontey. Art. Art. *** Lower Haters Gallery: Vinyl Apocalypse. Artists: Wahab Algarmi, Brett Amory, Ken Brose, Ben Collison, Dave Crosland, Matt Delight, DIA, Pete Doolittle, Jason Dryg, Josh Ellingson, Holly Ellis, Meimei Everson, John Felix, Jonathan Wakuda Fischer, John Fitzpatrick, Dave Garvey, Jason Grace, Paul Hayes, Debbie Huey, Leecifer, Karine Leung, Henry Lewis, Eli Maness, Marco Mejia, Jeremy Natividad, Ninjagrl, Andrew Perry, Phoneticontrol, Bradley Platz, Romanowski, Alexander Smith, Canon Tissue, Sherwin Viray, Lawrence Yang, Ursula X. Young. Comment by AB: Original art on vinyl records with a handful of vinyl record "sculptures" thrown in. Fun. Art on vintage vinyl. Art. Vinyl squid art. Art. Art. Art. Art. *** D-Structure: The State of Lower Haight - Photo Exhibit and Mural Installation. Artists: Graham Theil, Trevor Traynor, Halsey Chait. Comment by AB: Elaborate artful wood frame constructions display photographic portraits and images of the Lower Haight. Very nicely done-- and impactful-- like 'em. Collaborative art by Graham Theil, Trevor Traynor, Halsey Chait. Art. Art. Art. Art. Long view. *** |