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NEWS UPDATES December 21, 2003: Plenty of fresh San Francisco Art Gallery Openings queued for viewing. Artbusiness.com wishes you all the best for the Holiday Season and have a Happy New Year! And, of course, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your continued support. December 11, 2003: Is someone stealing your art or your ideas? Ready to call the lawyers and make them pay? Not so fast. Check out Copyright Infringement and Your Creative Health before you go legal on 'em. November 26, 2003: Review posted for the latest Lawrence's retail print price database, CD-ROM edition, at Lawrence's Dealer Print Prices, 2003-1992 CD-ROM. November 25, 2003: All artists have periods in their careers when they create great art, good art, and not so good art. Find out how to tell which is which by reading Learn About the Artist, Then Buy the Art. November 16, 2003: Received for review-- Lawrence's Dealer Print Prices, 2003-1992 CD-ROM, 280,000 entries total, nearly 30,000 newly added. The only retail print price reference on the market. $575. Available from Gordon's Art Reference. November 11, 2003: Review posted for the brand new updated Gold Edition of Davenport's Art Reference and Price Guide, with brief price and biographical information for over 250,000 artists, at Davenport's Art Reference and Price Guide, Gold Edition. November 10, 2003: San Francisco's diverse, vital, and talented art community is alive and well and getting weller. Have a digital look-see at dozens of recent San Francisco Art Gallery Openings. Now with more commentary. November 9, 2003: Have you ever made or thought about making art for someone else? That's called "working on commission," and reading Making Art on Commission: Tips for Artists will help you work on commission right. November 6, 2003: Received for review-- Davenport's Art Reference and Price Guide, Gold Edition, with 10,000 new artist entries, 1000 Old Master signature examples, tens of thousands of entry updates, hundreds more auction houses, $199. Available from Gordon's Art Reference. October 26, 2003: Hey criminals... wanna make some easy bucks? eBay's a great place to do it. For instructions on how to get rich at the expense of others, please read How Criminals Make Big Money Selling Fake Art on eBay. October 22, 2003: 500 rare, out-of-print, and collectible books on art, architecture, antiques, photography, and related subjects are now available for sale from artbusiness.com. Please see THE BOOK LIST and send an email if you have any questions, see something you like, or are searching for books not on the list. October 17, 2003: Review posted for artprice Fine Art CD-ROM, January 1987 - June 2003 published by artprice. Great product-- read all about it. September 25, 2003: Received for review-- artprice Fine Art CD-ROM, January 1987 - June 2003. 3,500,000 auction records for works of art by 306,000 international artists sold at 2,900 international auction houses over the past 16 years. $419. If you already own the 2002 artprice CD-ROM, the 2003 update costs $135. Available from artprice. September 18, 2003: Should you buy a mailing list with names of dozens or hundreds or thousands of art galleries and dealers? No. Want to know why? Read Don't Waste Money Buying an Art Gallery or Dealer Mailing List and find out. September 11, 2003: Artists who make digital ink jet prints which, for marketing purposes, have come to be known as giclees, should check out Seybold Seminars San Francisco: Giclee Update 2003. September 4, 2003: Artists write artbusiness.com all the time trying to sell their art, looking for gallery representation, wanting agents to market their art, and so on. If you're thinking about writing, read this first: You Can't Sell Your Art Until You Learn How to Sell It. August 27, 2003: Supposing someone offers you a piece of art and says it's attributed to a famous artist. Should you buy it? To find out the answer, read Attributed Art: Strength of Attribution Depends on Who Makes It. August 23, 2003: "Oh, woe is me! I bought my art for $3500, the gallery where I bought it tells me it's now worth $7300, and the best offer I've gotten is only $900. Help me, artbusiness.com." OK. Read this: Buy Your Art One Place; Appraise It Somewhere Else. August 23, 2003: See what San Francisco's diverse, vital, and talented art community is up to by visiting San Francisco Art Gallery Openings. August 20, 2003: Request of the day phoned in to artbusiness.com: "I'm not looking for an appraisal, but can you tell me how much it's worth?" August 18, 2003: Do you suffer from ADD (Art Deficit Disorder)? Well, get your easel on over here and load up on the latest San Francisco Art Gallery Openings. August 11, 2003: Review posted for Hislop's Art Sales Index CD-ROM 2003 published by Duncan Hislop. August 6, 2003: Received for review-- Hislop's Art Sales Index CD-ROM 2003 containing 50 years and 2.6 million art auction prices form paintings, works on paper, sculpture, miniatures, prints, and photographs. $575. Available from Art Sales Index. August 3, 2003: Review posted for Art Price Annual 2003 published by artprice. August 1, 2003: Are you an artist with a possible legal problem? Think you might need an attorney? Find out when to see an attorney and what to do when you get there by reading When to See an Art Attorney. July 25, 2003: Received for review-- Art Price Annual 2003 published by artprice. One volume, 170,000 international auction results for works of art by 60,000 artists that sold during the 2002 auction season, 2800 pages. $129. Available from Dealer's Choice Books. July 24, 2003: The Fourth Annual San Francisco Photographic Print Exposition opened tonight at Herbst Pavilion, Fort Mason. Check out the stats and pics at photo san francisco 2003. July 23, 2003: Sidle on up here, artsters. It's time again, sorry to say, for a piping hot cup of Art Picks from eBay, Number 24. July 19, 2003: Review posted for the Grove Press Encyclopedia of American Art Before 1914 edited by Jane Turner. July 12, 2003: Last night's San Francisco art romp results may be viewed at San Francisco Art Gallery Openings. June 29, 2003: Received for review-- Encyclopedia of American Art Before 1914 edited by Jane Turner, published by Grove Press. 688 pages. The first of a series of scholarly art references called Grove Encyclopedias of Arts of the Americas. $250. Available from Oxford University Press. June 26, 2003: Is a gallery offering you a show? Does someone want to rep your art? Entering into a business relationship? Signing a contract? If you answered yes to any of those questions, read Common Artist Legal Problems and How to Avoid Them. June 17, 2003: Fresh from the garden-- Art Picks from eBay, Number 23. June 10, 2003: A dust jacket on a book is not exactly art and it's not exactly news. But when the rarest dust jackets are worth in the vicinity of $100,000 each, and some rare jackets are being digitally copied and added to jacketless books, and not always with the most honorable of intentions-- that's news. If you buy rare books, you might want to read How to Spot and Identify a Facsimile Book Dust Jacket, just to be on the safe side. June 9, 2003: eBay is a more dangerous place than ever to buy art. This week's adventure in creative selling can be viewed at Art Picks From eBay, Number 22. So pull up your inflatable NASCAR armchair, grab yourself a Big Beer, and learn how not to be a victim. Read about Artprice.com's special $99 per year unlimited art price database subscription at Artprice Database Subscriptions from Artprice.com. June 5, 2003: Don't get out much? No problem. Experience San Francisco's diverse and vibrant art life at San Francisco Art Gallery Openings in complete keyboard comfort. May 28, 2003: Maybe one day, 'Art Picks from eBay' will no longer be necessary. But today is not that day as evidenced by the debut of Art Picks From eBay, Number 21. May 25, 2003: Ever wonder how much art gets sold in the United States and/or internationally every year, who buys it, and how much it sells for? Well, you can either keep wondering or read Domestic and International Art Market Sales Statistics. Happy Memorial Day everyone and welcome to another exciting episode of Summer. May 21, 2003: It's short, it's sweet, it's unbelievable, it's Art Picks From eBay, Number 20. May 19, 2003: Read the review for 1200 Mexican Artists, An Identification Guide to Painters, Graphic Artists, Sculptors and Photographers (From Colonial Times to the Present) by Don Allen Shorts at Art in Mexico: Mexican Artist Dictionary. May 16, 2003: A good biographical dictionary of Mexican artists was once hard to find, but not anymore. 1200 Mexican Artists, An Identification Guide to Painters, Graphic Artists, Sculptors and Photographers (From Colonial Times to the Present) by Don Allen Shorts will be reviewed shortly. Cost is $49.95. Available from The Old California Press, Don Shorts, 805.643.4217, or email Don Allen Shorts directly. May 14, 2003: Does the art you're thinking about bidding on or buying come with something called "provenance"? Provenance can be many things-- including bogus. To find out more, read Art Provenance: What It Is and How to Verify It. A broken link has been repaired for Art Picks From eBay, Number 6. May 12, 2003: New art price reference reviews are posted for Gordon's print and photography price annuals, 2003, in book form, and Gordon's print and photography price CD-ROM's, 2003, at Gordon's 2003 Print and Photograph Price Reference Books and CD-ROMs. May 5, 2003: Gordon's Photography Price Annual International, 2003, the book, will soon be reviewed in the art reference book section of the website. The 661 page book contains approximately 13,000 international photograph auction selling prices from the year 2002. $145. Available from Gordon's Art Reference. May 4, 2003: Congratulations!! Art Picks from eBay has given birth to twins-- Art Picks From eBay, Number 18, born yesterday, and Art Picks From eBay, Number 19, born today. So alike, yet so different. May 3, 2003: Would you like that de Kooning drawing with or without provenance? If you're not sure, you'll find the answer in a brand new, action packed episode of Art Picks from eBay. So grab your Mint Julep and your reading glasses and head on over to Art Picks From eBay, Number 18. April 30, 2003: Gordon's Print Price Annual, 2003, the book, and Gordon's Print Price Annual, 2003-1986, a 2 CD-ROM set, will soon be reviewed in the art reference book section of the website. Both are the best print price references available. The CD-ROM set contains 17 years and nearly 650,000 fine print auction records from auction houses worldwide. The 1630 page book contains nearly 50,000 international print auction selling prices from the year 2002. The book sells for $245 and the CD-ROM set sells for $595 with annual updates for $295. Available from Gordon's Art Reference. April 22, 2003: Are you an artist who hasn't thought about estate planning? No matter how old you are, the time to start is now. Read Artist Tips: Checklist for Planning Your Art Estate and learn what you can do to increase the value of your art-- not only after you're gone, but from this point forward. April 12, 2003: Yes, art friends, it's time for another heart-warming episode of Art Picks from eBay. So get yourself comfy and click on over to Art Picks From eBay, Number 17. March 29, 2003: ART BUSINESS ALERT-- Large numbers of prints and lithographs by famous artists, originally published unsigned in art books, periodicals, and portfolios, are offered for sale with fake or questionable signatures. To find out more read Art Collector Warning: Print Signature Forgery Problems. March 26, 2003: Artist quote of the day emailed to artbusiness.com-- "I was told by New York galleries that when I found my market, I would do very well." March 20, 2003: ++++++++++ PEACE ++++++++++ March 19, 2003: Have you ever heard of a predatory art gallery? If you haven't, find out where these galleries are most likely to be found and how they operate by reading Are You an Art Target? Part II. March 17, 2003: If you currently sell too much art and would like to sell less, please read How Not to Sell Art. Happy St. Patrick's Day and remember, drinking and painting don't mix. March 13, 2003: Do you care about how and when you sign your art or do you treat your signature more as an afterthought or formality? If you think that signing your art is no big deal, you'd better read Sign Your Art So That People Can Read It (And Other Tips) before it's too late. March 7, 2003: Increasing the number of galleries that sell your art is not always a good idea. Find out why by reading Your Prices May Suffer if You Flood the Market With Art. February 18, 2003: Those Art Picks From eBay just won't stop coming. Art Picks From eBay, Number 16 is all about a Picasso drawing that's being sold for charity. February 15, 2003: Find out why Edan Hughes has written the ultimate artist biographical dictionary by reading the review of Artists in California, 1786-1940. While you're at it, also check out the review of California Watercolors, 1850-1970, An Illustrated History and Biographical Dictionary, another great California art reference book. February 11, 2003: You'd better act fast if you think you're entitled to a piece of the $512 million Sotheby's/Christie's class action settlement-- only two weeks left to file your claim. Find out whether you qualify and what to do at Sotheby's/Christie's Class Action Information. February 5, 2003: The long-awaited third and final edition of Artists in California, 1786-1940 by Edan Hughes, 2 volumes, 20,000 artists is now available and will be reviewed soon in the Art Books and Price References section of the website. $150 plus shipping. Available from The Crocker Museum, Sacramento. February 2, 2003: The seventh annual Alternative Press Expo takes place at The Concourse in San Francisco this weekend. If you don't have a chance to go, reading APE 2003: San Francisco Alternative Press Expo is the next best thing to being there. February 1, 2003: Well folks, it's time for another exciting episode of "Art Picks from eBay." Art Picks from eBay: Number 15 features a Jackson Pollock oil painting. Those of you who follow the series closely will recall that Art Picks from eBay: Number 2 also featured a Jackson Pollock painting. January 29, 2003: California Watercolors, 1850-1970, An Illustrated History & Biographical Dictionary by Gordon T. McClelland and Jay T. Last is now available and will soon be reviewed on artbusiness.com. This long-awaited reference on California watercolor artists includes historical survey material, numerous color illustrations, and 555 brief biographies of artists who produced watercolors in California. $49. Available from Hillcrest Press at 1-800-248-8057. January 17, 2003: The fifth annual San Francisco International Art Exposition opens today at Fort Mason Center and runs through January 20. To find out more about the show and preview party, read San Francisco International Art Exposition 5, Opening Night. January 13, 2003: Do you think that art gallery selling prices are accurate indications of what the art they sell is worth? If you think that, you'd better think again, because the answer is "Not necessarily." Find out why by reading Retail Gallery Prices May Be More Than Art is Worth. January 8, 2003: Happy New Year everyone. Want to start the New Year off by selling more art? Read Find an Agent, Rep, or Gallery to Sell Your Art for tips on how to get representation and make enough money selling your art to survive as an artist. |
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