Reported by John Casey
MG Gallery: Matthew Scheatzle - Never/Always, Post-Narrative Finds.
Review by John Casey: Matthew Scheatzle sculpts playful and unpretentious ceramic objects which he mounts on the MG Gallery walls. Some of his sculptures look like cut stones. Of these works, the earlier ones are noticeably hand-built and have expressive and painterly surfaces, while later works are more precise (almost machined in appearance) with realistic rock-like patinas. Other works that combine both wood and ceramic have playful, organic shapes.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Art by Matthew Scheatzle.
Gallerists Adam Green and Kari Marboe.
Mills College Art Museum: Young Americans.
Artists: Andrew Witrak, Annie Vought, Brian Caraway, Esther Traugot, Gina Tuzzi, Joseph Berryhill, Kate Pszotka, Leigh Merrill, Modesto Covarrubias, Steuart Pittman. Curated by Terri Cohn.
Review by John Casey: The Mills College Art Museum presents works by the 2009 Master of Fine Arts degree recipients. The MFA program at Mills is small in number but high in quality, and this show is a perfect example of that quality.
Modesto Covarrubias' giant tissue paper tower, Esther Traugot's intimate crochet twig sweaters, and Gina Tuzzi's preposterous matchbox pickup truck caps
are my personal faves but all artists in this show have strong work worth seeing.
(Note: this show opened on May 2, 2009; some photos courtesy of Alice Caraway.)
Art by Modesto Covarrubias.
Art by Modesto Covarrubias.
Art by Modesto Covarrubias.
Art by Leigh Merrill.
Art by Leigh Merrill.
Art by Leigh Merrill.
Art by Annie Vought.
Art by Annie Vought.
Steuart Pittman and his art.
Art by Steuart Pittman.
Art by Gina Tuzzi.
Gina Tuzzi and her art.
Art by Gina Tuzzi.
Art by Andrew Witrak.
Art by Andrew Witrak.
Art by Kate Pszotka.
Art by Kate Pszotka.
Art by Brian Caraway.
Brian and Alice Caraway and Brian's art.
Art by Joseph Berryhill.
Art by Esther Traugot.
Art by Esther Traugot.