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07.11.15 Part II

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White Walls & Shooting Gallery: Cognitive Dissonance - MEAR ONE
Wild visionary art by MEAR ONE at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
Apocalyptic art by MEAR ONE.
Detail of art in above image.
MEAR ONE and his art at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
Cosmic art by MEAR ONE.
886 Geary Gallery: Shapeshifters & Sharpshooters. Curated by Sven Davis; Outliners - Sebas Velasco; Collapsus - Nelio
Shapeshifters & Sharpshooters artists: Chris Mendoza (Brooklyn, NY),Christopher Derek Bruno (Atlanta, GA), Clemens Behr (Berlin, Germany), Drew Tyndell (Nashville, TN), Eltono (Belvès, France), Jerry Inscoe (Portland, OR),Liam Snootle (Melbourne, Australia), Matthew Chavarria (Riverside, CA), Michael Bennett (Berlin, Germany), Nawer (Cracow, Poland), Poesia (San Francisco, CA),Richard Caldicott (London, UK), Sean Newport (San Francisco, CA), St Monci(Rochester, NY), Will Sears (Portland, ME).
Art by Christopher Derek Bruno at 886 Geary Gallery.
R-L, art by Richard Caldicott, Chris Mendoza, Jerry Inscoe.
Sean Newport art.
L-R, art by Liam Snootle and Matthew Chavaria.
Atmospheric urban-scapes by Sebas Velasco.
Sebas Velasco art.
Black & white art by Nelio.
Small-format art by Nelio.
San Francisco Art Exchange: Stanley Mouse
Iconic Grateful Dead art by Stanley Mouse at San Francisco Art Exchange.
50th Anniversary Grateful Dead art by Stanley Mouse.
Art by Stanley Mouse.
Stanley Mouse and associate at San Francisco Art Exchange.
Avalon Ballroom poster & preliminary drawing by Stanley Mouse.
Stanley Mouse art.
Art by Stanley Mouse - skulls and skeletons way before anyone else.
Two Sixties classics - Robert Altman (photography) & Bill Hamm (light shows).
Root Division: Introductions 2015. Juried by Catharine Clark, Aimee Le Duc, Steven Wolf.
Artists: Alexandra Bailliere, Michael Bartalos, Matthew Goldberg, Jon Gourley, Malena Lopez-Maggi, Heather Murphy, Courtney Sennish, Adam Thorman, Merav Tzur, Anja Ulfeldt, Matthew Usinowicz, Katherine Vetne, Tali Weinberg.
Giant lobster pastry art by Matthew Goldberg at Root Division.
Abstract art with a free mop by Matthew Usinowicz.
Kinetic rotating assemblage installation by Anja Ulfeldt.
Weavings in drought colors by Tali Weinberg (nicely done).
Pinkie cam detail of weaving in above image.
Do-it-yourself geology by Malena Lopez-Maggi.
Faux mineral art in above image closer.
Adam Thorman photography.
Find joy here - installation by Merav Tzur.
Droll art by Jon Gourley.
Video trends by Heather Murphy.
Long view - group show at 886 Geary Gallery.
Modern Eden Gallery: Kurtis Rykovich - Reverie; Wesley T Wright - No More Horizons
Art by Kurtis Rykovich close up at Modern Eden Gallery.
Taciturn portraiture by Kurtis Rykovich.
Kurtis Rykovich and his art at Modern Eden Gallery.
Wesley T Wright and his ceramic art at Modern Eden Gallery.
Ceramic art by Wesley T Wright closer.
Overview - Kurtis Rykovich & Wesley T Wright art show at Modern Eden Gallery.