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    (with assistance from RWM)

    Artist wonders why famous & deceased artists get all the attention. Click Here.


    Ratio 3 Gallery: Ara Peterson - Wavepacks.

    Review by RWM: Easy to get the art of Ara Peterson confused with fabric when a close examination reveals that it is actually comprised of wood. One can lose their sense of the medium and become immersed in the waves, like the artist. Great use of color and shape to help create the illusion. The work, to be expected, is a little more rigid when compared to cloth-- which flows better-- and appears more like water. That said, the art is wondrous regardless. Great show and great effort in detailing.

    Comment by AB: Ara Peterson laser-cuts innumerable sheets of 1/8th-inch plywood, paints them up in painstaking progressions and then adheres them together to produce unbelievable undulating patterns of color and form. I love this art. In fact, I'm giving it a Pick of the Month plus a rare and highly coveted "How Do Dey Do Dat?" award all rolled up into one. Definitely worth seeing.

    Ara Peterson artist art

    Art by Ara Peterson at Ratio 3 Gallery.


    Art by Ara Peterson in above image closer and from the side.


    Ara Peterson and his art in top image closer.


    Art by Ara Peterson.

    Ara Peterson art

    Ara Peterson art in above image closer and from the side.


    Art by Ara Peterson at Ratio 3 Gallery.


    Ara Peterson art in above image closer and from the side.


    Art by Ara Peterson.

    artist art

    Ara Peterson art above closer and from the side.


    Art by Ara Peterson.


    Ara Peterson art in above image closer and from the side.


    Long view - Ara Peterson art show at Ratio 3 Gallery.


    Inclusions Gallery: 5 Printmakers.

    Artists: David Avery, John Gruenwald, Sarah M. Newton, Carrie Ann Plank, Jenny Robinson.

    Comment by AB: Printmakers don't get nearly the attention they deserve, perhaps due to the subtlety of their art combined with an inadequate understanding of the intricacies and degree of difficulty of their techniques. Here we have works by five of the area's more accomplished practitioners.

    Jenny Robinson artist art

    Art by Jenny Robinson at Inclusions Gallery.


    Jenny Robinson art.


    Art by Jenny Robinson.


    David Avery and his etchings at Inclusions Gallery.


    Pinkie cam detail of David Avery etching in above image.


    Print art by Carrie Ann Plank.


    Art by Sarah M. Newton.


    Sarah M. Newton art in above image closer (nicely done).

    artist art

    Print art by Sarah M. Newton at Inclusions Gallery.


    Print art by John Gruenwald.


    Circumstance - group print show at Inclusions Gallery.


    Luna Rienne Gallery: Ezra Eismont - Zombie Nation Book Release and Art Show.

    Review by RWM: Gross and unsettling, like zombies are supposed to be. Who are these crazy creatures and mobs of soldiers that we keep seeing depicted so unflatteringly. Yuck. Decay. Symbolism, though not always clear, abounds. Yuck for some stars and their followers also. Zombie Nation.

    Ezra Eismont artist art

    The artist & the art...


    ... & the book & the schwagabilia.
