
Baer Ridgway Exhibitions: Wonder Box - Matthew Palladino.
Comment by AB: Seven startlingly superb oversized watercolors by Matthew Palladino, notable not only for the mind-blowing originality and brilliance of their compositions, but also for Palladino's prodigious mastery of a difficult medium. Yo, yo and yo!! Pick of the month, without question-- possibly of the year. Not surprisingly, everything's already sold. See this show before it comes down. And that's an order!
Watercolor art by Matthew Palladino (love 'em!).
Pinkie cam detail of art on right in above image by Matthew Palladino.
Art by Matthew Palladino.
Matthew Palladino art.
Watercolor art by Matthew Palladino.
Matthew Palladino watercolor art.
George Krevsky Gallery: Rookies and Pro's - The 13th Art of Baseball Exhibition.
Artists: Robert Becker, Gordon Cook, Barry Gifford, Robert Hartman, Naomie Kremer, Tom Mogensen, Valentin Popov, Todd Pavlisko, Mel Ramos, Michael Scoggins, Stacey Carter, Robbie Conal, Dana Dekalb, Jon Francis, Louis Grant, Stanley Goldstein, Mark Licari, Paul McCarthy, Arthur K. Miller, Richard Shaw.
Comment by AB: George Krevsky's annual baseball art extravaganza. As for the show's title, "Rookies" refers to artists exhibiting baseball art for the first time; "Pros" refers to the veterans. Special added bonus-- hotdogs courtesy of Stanley's Steamers - San Francisco's Own Original Street Frank. And are they delicious!!
Baseball art.
Art by Richard Shaw.
Art by Valentin Popov (plus special added bonus - the model).
Baseball grenade art.
Folded map baseball art.
Oh baby... them Stanley's Steamers dogs are heavenly!
Soap Gallery Gallery: Graphic Nature.
Artists: Amir Esfahani, David Fiveash, Steven Vasquez Lopez, Michael McConnell, and David Gremard Romero.
Comment by AB: I gotta go with the hard-edge stripe and plaid pattern paintings by Steven Vasquez Lopez. Good stuff overall.
Pattern painting art by Steven Vasquez Lopez (sorta like 'em).
Galeria de la Raza: Mad World - Messages to the Future.
Artists: Jose Arenas, Carlos Castro, Emael, Chris Granillo, Erika Hannes, Hector Dio Mendoza, Johanna Poethig, Lady Reni, Joshua Short, Jose Antonio Suarez, Robert Trujillo, Christina Velazquez, Rio Yanez, Marilyn Yu.
Comment by AB: The art of "Mad World" looks to the future and perpetrates to prognosticate on a variety of matters including consumerism, spirituality, politics and the environmental.
Political art.
Participatory art.
Southern Exposure Gallery: Space Odyssey - Annual Fundraiser + Art Auction.
Artists: Brett Amory, Lauren Anderson, Ant Farm, Michael Arcega, Michael Bartalos, Greg Bartlett, David Becker, Leo Bersamina, Libby Black, Michelle Blade, Rebeca Bollinger, Val Britton, Jason Byers, Thomas Campbell, Jeff Canham, Monica Canilao, John Casey, Castaneda/Reiman, John Chiara, James Chronister, Ishan Clemenco, Randy Colosky, Lisa Congdon, Mary Fernando Conrad, Alika Cooper, Ilana Crispi, Reed Danziger, Lauren Davies, Veronica De Jesus, Sergio de la Torre, Jay DeFeo, Andy Diaz Hope, Anthony Discenza, Chris Duncan, Steven Elliott, Kate Eric, Kota Ezawa, Ana Teresa Fernandez, Tara Foley, Dustin Fosnot, David Fought, Amy Franceschini, Annie Frykholm, Benicia Gantner, Renee Gertler, Maizie Gilbert, Tanya Gill, Jim Goldberg, Rebecca Goldfarb, Dan Grayber, Leonie Guyer, Michael Hall, Adam Hathaway, Taraneh Hemami, Jonn Herschend, Scott Hewicker, Todd Hido, Terry Hoff, Amanda Hughen, Suzanne Husky, Misa Inaoka, Cynthia Ona Innis, Colter Jacobsen, Jason Jagel, Packard Jennings, Kerri Lee Johnson, Jennifer Kaufman, Helena Keeffe, Sahar Khoury, Jaime Knight, Yoon Lee, Kristina Lewis, Michael Light, Kenneth Lo, Jake Longstreth, Marina Luz, Nathan Lynch, Whitney Lynn, Alexis Mackenzie, Michelle Mansour, Vanessa Marsh, Christina Mazza, Alicia McCarthy, Sean McFarland, Barry McGee, Dennis McNulty, Christina McPhee, Cheryl Meeker, Jim Melchert, Jen Merrill, Michael Meyers, Robert Minervini, Julio Morales, Danielle Mysliwiec, Daniel Nevers, Kelsey Nicholson, Abner Nolan, Scott Oliver, Sandra Wong Orloff, Gay Outlaw, Erik Parra, Kamau Patton, Alison Pebworth, Hilary Pecis, Sasha Petrenko, James Sterling Pitt, Suzy Poling, Mel Prest, Genevieve Quick, Basil Racuk, Lisa Ricci, Lacey Jane Roberts, Lordy Rodriguez, Brion Nuda Rosch, Thorina Rose, Alena Rudolph, Kirstyn Russell, Zachary Royer Scholz, Andrew Schoultz, Emily Sevier, Alice Shaw, Orion Shepherd, Allison Smith, Sarah Smith, Tracey Snelling, Chris Sollars, Jennifer Starkweather, Jack Stauffacher, David Stein, Daniela Steinsapir, Mary Ann Strandell, Larry Sultan, William Swanson, Stephanie Syjuco, Charlene Tan, Weston Teruya, The Thing Quarterly, Tracy Timmins, Tara Tucker, Daniel Turner, Martin Venezky, Andy Vogt, Don Voisine, Annie Vought, Paul Wackers, Catherine Wagner, Victoria Wagner, Marci Washington, Leigh Wells, Lindsey White, Virginia White, David Wilson, Ginger Wolfe-Suarez, Lena Wolff, Christine Wong Yap, Kelli Yon, John Zurier.
Comment by AB: Tons of people turn out to buy tons of good art by tons of artists, all proceeds to benefit that venerable artistic institution, Southern Exposure.
Here we are - Southern Exposure annual fundraiser auction. Woah!
Silent auction art.
Silent auction art.
Silent auction art.
Jamie Alexander of Park Life - Moi (aka Alan Bamberger).
Live auction in progress.
The lovely Southern Exposure auctionettes at the ready.
Live auction demographics.
One more from the Southern Exposure annual live/silent auction fundraiser.
Guerrero Gallery: Alex Lukas - These Are The Days of Miracle and Wonder; Matt Leines These Songs Are True.
Comment by AB: Alex Lukas plies his post-apocalyptic vision in the main gallery-- and we're gettin' closer by the minute. In the rear gallery, Philadelphia artist Matt Leines brings back the bacon from recondite realms with his exotic electric iconography.
Art by Matt Leines.
Matt Leines and his art.
Art by Matt Leines.
Art by Alex Lukas.
Alex Lukas art.
Art by Alex Lukas closer.
Alex Lukas art.
On the veranda at Guerrero Gallery.
New Jesse Allen watercolors at Chandler Fine Art.
One more from Jesse Allen watercolors at Chandler Fine Art.
Encaustic art by five artists at Back to the Picture.
One more from encaustic art show at Back to the Picture.
Art at Wonderland Boutique and Gallery.
One more from newly opened Wonderland Gallery and Boutique.