



Reported by Maura McMichael

Art Consulting from Alan Bamberger

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Athen B Gallery: Ready, Set

Artists: Brett Flanigan, Heather Day, Martina Merlini.

Review and images by Maura McMichael: A group show that beautifully combines textiles, color, movement and mark-making.

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Brett Flannigan stacks boxes, each with a different texture.

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The three styles merge well together.

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Complimentary colors of orange and blue come together
in Heather Day's abstract piece.

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Movement breaks the frame with these pieces.

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Pastels against black and white create an 80's color palette.

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Martina Merlini's quilt at Athen B Gallery.

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Mixed media piece has a tranquil quality.


Gear Box Gallery: Modus Operandi - Joseph Mele

Review and images by Maura McMichael: Sculpture steals the show and is the outlier of his works.

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Tissue boxes painted and assembled. A very personal object.

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Sculpture and painting match in a simplistic texture and tone.

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Gold and black textures are underwhelming.

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Sculpture towers over the artist, Joseph Mele. He created this piece by
shredding personal papers, a cathartic practice that all can relate to.

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Whole show matches in hues of gold and tones of grey.


Pro Arts: Home

Artists: Dawline-Jane Oni-Eseleh, Feminist Economics Department (the FED), Evan Holm, Farley Gwazda, Jessica Wassil, Jessie Marino, Julia Goodman, Kate Rhoades, Mads Vind Ludvigsen, Nolan Lem, Paulina Berczynski, Rachelle Agundes, Stanislava Georgieva.

Review and images by Maura McMichael: From quirky to serious, this show covers the subject of the nostalgic place we call home.

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These wax and ink mediums show the similarities
and differences of peoples homes.

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A lamp in the corner and a tv screen make this bed frame feel more at home.
The bed has hundreds of nipples that vibrate all at once.

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Rotating rolls of velcro, adhere and pull apart in this sculpture.

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Childhood memories in photography.

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Farley Gwazda created codes to scramble the text of paperwork
the artist submitted, stating nonsensical context .

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Quirky installation of a home.

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Viewers look at the abstract interpretations of the theme.

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Crowd for First Fridays reception.

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Refrigerator covered in magnets that look like breast.
