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    Andrea Schwartz Gallery: Between the Lines - Cara Barer, Mike Stilkey, Melinda Tidwell.

    Comment by AB: Books and magazines may be going the way of the dinosaur as far as readers are concerned, but for artists they're the perfect fodder for creative endeavors. Cara Barer transforms them into vivid photographic floral bursts, Mike Stilkey paints on book bindings and stacked spines like other artists paint on canvas, and Melinda Tidwell cuts and pastes book bits and pieces into literary collages.

    Cara Barer artist art

    Photography by Cara Barer at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.


    Cara Barer photography.


    Mike Stilkey & his painted book spine portrait art at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.

    Mike Stilkey art

    Painted book cover art by Mike Stilkeyć.

    Melinda Tidwell art

    Literary collage art by Melinda Tidwell at Andrea Schwartz Gallery.


    Melinda Tidwell collage art.


    Rena Bransten Gallery: Jennie Smith - Sending Out a Song; Chris Thorson - Half-Life.

    Comment by AB: Jennie Smith's complex meticulously detailed graphite drawings and watercolors reference that gigantic blotch of trash that's floating in the center of the ocean, notoriously known as the Pacific Garbage Patch. Her delicate style reminds us, she hopes, that we'd better do something about our excessive consumption and throwaway mentality before the delicate environment gifts us with catastrophic consequences and similar omens that we've waited too long and it's finally too late.

    Chris Thorson's painted cast hydrocal sculptures are guaranteed to fool you. For this exhibit, she casts T-shirts, gloves and grocery store produce, and then paints them so realistically that they're practically impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Special added bonus-- they're surprisingly affordable, a number of pieces priced in the $500 range. Stop on by.

    Jennie Smith artist art

    Art by Jennie Smith at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    Art by Jennie Smith.


    Pinkie cam detail of Jennie Smith art above at Rena Bransten Gallery.

    Jennie Smith art

    Art by Jennie Smith.


    Jennie Smith and her art above closer at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    Art by Jennie Smith.


    Pinkie cam detail of Jennie Smith above at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    Jennie Smith art.


    Jennie Smith storytelling art at Rena Bransten Gallery (I see a book here).


    Trompe l'oeil T-shirt sculptures by Chris Thorson at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    Produce sculpture by Chris Thorson.


    It's a painted sculpture - Chris Thorson glove art at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    Chris Thorson and her hydrocal T-shirt art at Rena Bransten Gallery.


    It's a painted sculpture - Chris Thorson art.


    Apple sculptures by Chris Thorson.
