(with assistance from RWM and DeWitt Cheng)

Common artist questions answered, part 2. Click Here.
Braunstein/Quay Gallery: Michael McConnell - Tethered.
Comment by AB: According to the crib sheet, Michael McConnell "metaphorically expolores the innocence and vulnerability assocatied with childhood." McConnell tells me that the positions and mountings of his faux taxidermized animals accurately replicate those of real life taxidermy. Stop on by; nice work.
Art by Michael McConnell.
Michael McConnell art.
Michael McConnell and his art.
Art by Michael McConnell at Braunstein/Quay Gallery.
Michael McConnell art closer.
Art by Michael McConnell.
Art by Michael McConnell.
Michael McConnell art at Braunstein/Quay Gallery.
Micaela Gallery + Projects: Amorphous Dreams.
Artists: Prema Murthy, Susan Longini, Marvin Lipofsky, Jay Musler, Bella Feldman, Silvia Levenson, Clifford Rainey.
Review by RWM: Great group show with atmospherics, psychedelics, nudes, and tools of war. There are interesting attempts at symmetry in string designs, but the work is telling in the inaccuracies. Nice to see the fog through the sky templates, mists of crushed glass. The fascinating globular forms of colorful glass evoke an inner truth. There are also amazing little war machine sculptures which make armed conflict seem like a game one wants to avoid. Though dreamlike, some art is dark here and one may want to wake up soon. But Hell will likely be much worse.
Art by Clifford Rainey.
Sculptures by Bella Feldman.
Crushed glass art (kilncast pâte-de-verre) by Susan Longini.
Pinkie cam detail of crushed glass art above by Susan Longini.
Jay Musler art.
Geometric art by Prema Murthy.
Sculpture by Clifford Rainey.
Glass art by Marvin Lipofsky.
SOMArts Gallery: Breathed... Unsaid...
Artists: Victor Cartagena, Kevin B. Chen, Taraneh Hemami, Kyoung-ah Kang's, Alice Könitz , Keba Konte, Chris Novak, Tessie Barrera Scharaga, C. Ree, Joel B. Tan with collaborator Nicholas Brinkley. Curated by Katya Min.
Comment by AB: Multimedia art and installations involve "artists exploring their personal encounters with cultural diaspora and the experience of living multiple and sometimes disparate lives." There's a fair amount of context to assimilate here, so be prepared to take some time.
Art & installation by Joel B. Tan at SOMArts Gallery.
Installation by Joel B. Tan in above image closer.
Global warming art.
Installation by Victor Cartagena, right.
Video installation art.
Hanging installation art by Tessie Barrera Scharaga.
Installation by Tessie Barrera Scharaga from the side.
Breathed... Unsaid... at SOMArts Gallery.
Faux phone art. "Alan Bamberger? I think you have the wrong number."
Fabric8 Gallery: Timeless? Works by Gianluca Franzese.
Review by RWM: The silent and quiet city, on display here for one's approval. One may be reminded that they have been here before, as have so many others.
Comment by AB: Intricate acrylic and dry brush black works on paper by Gianluca Franzese are particularly appealing.
Art by Gianluca Franzese.
Art by Gianluca Franzese at Fabric8 Gallery.
Gianluca Franzese and his art.
Art by Gianluca Franzese closer.
Market Street Gallery: Womb Nostalgia.
Artists: Rachelle Reichert, Rachel Znerold, Renee Wilson, Kathryn Virginia Harmon, Sonya Genel, Monique Atherton, Kelly Jean Egan, Audrey V. Haller.
Review by RWM: Many takes on the experience of the womb here. The art objects are not always agreeable, suggesting that you may not likely to want to return to that prenatal state. You might however may be able to temporarily check out with these works, returning again refreshed and ready for the next saga or stage.
Womb Nostalgia - group art show at Market Street Gallery.
Here's something you don't see everyday - habitable vaginal art.
Uh oh... breech birth alert!
Art - group show Womb Nostalgia at Market Street Gallery.
Arc Studios & Gallery: FOTO - Pushing Boundaries; BAPC - Cultivating Photography.
FOTO photographers: Nenad Amodaj, Sharon Beals, Connie Begg, Mike Callaghan, Philip Coleman, Francisco Diaz, Lilea Duran, Anna Fizyta, Ingeborg Gerdes, Bridget Ho, George Kaplan, Lisa Knoop, Lisa Levine & Peter Tonningsen, Patrick Lydon, Dan Newman, Marc Pearson, Michael Pointer, Heather Polley, John Ricksen, Ari Salomon, Nada Shalaby, Hye Ryun Son, Pep Ventosa.
BAPC Artists: Sophia Antipas, Adrienne Defendi, Anthony Delgado, Linda Fitch, Irene Imfeld, Thomas Lavin, Erin Malone, Charlotte Niel, Heather Polley, Kirk Thompson, Gary Weiner.
Comment by AB: Loads of photos. The implied import of the so-called "national juried show" in the ground floor gallery space might be considered a tad grandiose as it transits perilously close to fiction. Upstairs, you'll find a Bay Area Photographers Collective group show.
Photography group show at Arc Studios & Gallery.
Photography group show at Arc Studios & Gallery.
Bay Area Photographers Collective group show upstairs.
Jellyfish Gallery: Brian Huber - Follow the Line.
Comment by AB: Brian Huber is in charge of the art; Jerry Hannan is live in concert.
Art by Brian Huber.
Brian Huber art at Jellyfish Gallery.
Art by Brian Huber.
Brian Huber art.
Tunes c/o Jerry Hannan & Friend at Jellyfish Gallery.
Art by Suzy Barnard at Togonon Gallery.
Suzy Barnard & art at Togonon Gallery (image c/o DeWitt Cheng).
Suzy Barnard art above closer (image c/o DeWitt Cheng).
One more from Suzy Barnard art at Togonon Gallery.
Sculpture by Martin Zuniga at Driftwood Salon.
Martin Zuniga sculptural art at Driftwood Salon.
Last one from Martin Zuniga art at Driftwood Salon.
Group show, art & text at Gallery Hijinks.
Text-based art show at Gallery Hijinks.
Final one from art & text show at Gallery Hijinks.