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    Art Consulting from Alan Bamberger

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    Anthony Meier Fine Arts: Janine Antoni - Turn.

    Comment by AB: It's all about the vision for Janine Antoni, here homaging the phase of childbirth called "crowning" and the wondrous physiological changes immediately preceding it. Crowning is the point at which the top of an about-to-be-born baby's head first appears to the world with the pelvis essentially forming a crown around it. Her art represents the moment of this transition from "inside" to "outside," as significant as any moment in life can get. With so much else occupying our minds these days, reflecting on the miracle of life tends not to be too high of a priority. Antoni's installation suggests that perhaps occasional reassessments are in order. Good art; go see.

    Janine Antoni artist art

    Pit-fired ceramic art by Janine Antoni at Anthony Meier Fine Arts.


    Ceramics by Janine Antoni represent spinal changes during childbirth.


    Janine Antoni (center) discusses her art at Anthony Meier Fine Arts.

    Janine Antoni art

    Janine Antoni bands the main gallery with an artistic plaster molding.


    Art above closer - -elvic parting at the moment of childbirth by Janine Antoni.


    Plaster molding by Janine Antoni surrounds the main gallery.

    Janine Antoni artist art

    Childbirth art by Janine Antoni.


    Pinkie cam detail of art above.


    Pit fired ceramic art by Janine Antoni.
