JACK HANLEY - 301 BOCANA - RECEIVER MILLION FISHES - FEMINA POTENS - WHITE WALLS - SPACE (with assistance from Victor DeLucie) 02.02.08 Jack Hanley Gallery: Zbigniew Rogalski/Michal Budny - SHOT. Comment by AB: Warsaw, Poland artists Michal Budny and Zbigniew Rogalski do up the 395 Valencia space as follows-- a cardboard mock-up of a movie projector positioned in the center of the gallery faces the rear wall. A large abstract painting in shades of grey hangs on the rear wall. The combination represents a still from a film that the projector is purportedly projecting onto the wall. And that, as they say, is that. In the 389 space, a sliced cardboard "sculpture" lays flat on the gallery floor. The relevance of the free market economy is clearly subordinate here (aka there's hardly anything to buy). Art. Art. Art. Michal Budny - Zbigniew Rogalski. Meanwhile, over at the 389 space... Back at the 395 space... Front view. *** 301 Bocana Gallery: Ellen Babcock and Teri Claude - Wayward. Comment by AB: According to the poop sheet, "Ellen Babcock's sculptural pieces are inspired by the grotto at 21st and Potrero, all that remains of the former St. Catherine's Home for Wayward Girls. Teri Claude's delicate embroideries draw their inspiration from the ink blots used to diagnose homosexuality, and Red Dora's Bearded Lady Café (formerly at 14th and Guerrero)." The teensie gallery is so packed (which means like maybe 15 people), my camera lens steams up as I yogically jockey for shots. On my way out, I stop just short of opening the door directly into the nose of this dude who, in search of available space, has wedged himself behind it. Embroidered ink blot art (Teri Claude - nicely done). "Red Dora's Bearded Lady Café" embroidery art (Teri Claude). Embroidered ink blot art (Teri Claude). Art (Ellen Babcock). Art (Ellen Babcock). *** Receiver Gallery: Charlie Callahan - New Work. Comment by AB: The controlled chaos of Charlie Callahan utilizes a variety of found materials and includes a working styrofoam water fountain, all kinds of small paintings, a large painting with a hole in the center where the hole continues straight through the gallery wall, photographs, installation, and more. All kinds of affordability with prices starting at $50; plenty available for under $300. A number of Callahan's small paintings are particularly appealing. Art. Art. Art. Charlie Callahan - art. Smallish sea urchin art detail. Large sea urchin art includes hole in wall. Art. Art. Festivities. *** Million Fishes Gallery: Eden Veaudry - Soft Monkey Puzzles, New works. Comment by AB: Rambling nonrepresentational crochet-a-thon courtesy of Victoria, British Columbia artist Eden Veaudry. Art. Art (main installation). Art closer. Art closer. *** Femina Potens: Fluid. Artists: Jamie Spinello, Dana Hemenway, Kimberlee Koym, Molly DeCoudreaux, Jana Rumberger. Comment by AB: Art themed on the subject of water. There you have it. Art. Art. Mylar cutout art (Jamie Spinello - sorta like it). More mylar cutout art (Jamie Spinello). Art. Art. *** White Walls Gallery: HIH (Hip to Help), Raising $ to Fund the Music Program at George Washington Carver Elementary School. Artists: Andrew Schoultz, Richard Colman, Mike Giant, Usugrow, Shepard Fairey, Sylvia Ji, Alex Lukas, Kill Pixie, Adam 5100, Shawn Barber, Ian Johnson, Aj Fosik, Matthew Pallidino, others. Review by Victor DeLucie: Group show for a good cause (helping aspiring kids to pursue instruction in music but who lack the funds). Some nice detailed stencil works as well as oil paintings. The piece I enjoyed most is the semi-nude... but then I love beautiful women regardless. Speaking of beautiful women, those pictured are responsible for the charity and for working toward realizing deserving kids' dreams. Art. Art. Hip to Help helpers (photo c/o Victor DeLucie). Art. Art (photo c/o Victor DeLucie). Art (photo c/o Victor DeLucie). Art. Art. Art. Ambience. *** Space Gallery: Michael McDonough - Empty Streets of San Francisco. Review and photos by Victor DeLucie: I leave White Walls Gallery and head over to a surprise birthday party at Space Gallery. There's an art opening taking place at the same time-- "Empty Streets of San Francisco," paintings by Michael McDonough. His scenes like The Golden Gate Bridge, Grant Street, Market Street, Kearny Street and others have an industrial and lonely feel to them. You get the impression it's late autumn in the city. We all enjoy birthday cake and art on a wet San Francisco evening. Art. Art. Art. Art. Candles lit. Candles out. Happy Birthday! *** |