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Catharine Clark Gallery: Kara Maria - Post-Nature
Comment by AB: Birds, animals and other living things somehow manage to survive in the most tenuous, tumultuous and unnatural of environments. Look close enough and you'll find them. How long they can manage to maintain is primarily up to us. Worth a visit.
Art by Kara Maria at Catharine Clark Gallery.
Detail of art in above image (100% painted - zero collage, digital, etc).
Kara Maria and her art in top image closer at Catharine Clark Gallery.
Art by Kara Maria.
Pinkie cam detail of hummingbird painted into the chaos in above image.
Installation view - Kara Maria art show at Catharine Clark Gallery.
Hosfelt Gallery: Birgit Jensen - What a Perfect Combination; Angelina Pwerle - Time and Space
Comment by AB: Birgit Jensen illuminates up her landscapes in hallucinatory ways and may occasionally accent them up with just a dash of anarchy (only the artist knows for sure). On close inspection, the paint appears to be applied by some kind of printmaking process, possibly screen printing. Also on the docket, aboriginal artist Angelina Pwerle's reality is more cosmic, her interstellar compositions profusely populated with countless minuscule dots. Good show on both counts.
Art by Birgit Jensen with possible anarchistic overtones at Hosfelt Gallery.
Detail of art in above image - looks like a screen print.
Birgit Jensen art.
Birgit Jensen (center) discusses her art at Hosfelt Gallery.
L-R, art by Birgit Jensen and Angelina Pwerle.
Interstellar art by Angelina Pwerle.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image - that's a lotta dots.
Angelina Pwerle art.
Art by Angelina Pwerle.
The big picture - Angelina Pwerle & Birgit Jensen art at Hosfelt Gallery.
Casemore Kirkeby: Stutter Shutter - Whitney Hubbs
Comment by AB: Aluminum foil, painter's tape, a poly tarp, a wet sheet, and sundry mundanities like that, with an occasional torso mixed in, make for some rather admirable photographs. Stop on by.
Photography by Whitney Hubbs at Casemore Kirkeby.
Aluminum foil pinkie cam detail of photograph in above image.
Torso in painter's tape and poly tarp by Whitney Hubbs.
Whitney Hubbs photogrpahs.
Reflective fabric photograph by Whitney Hubbs.
Photograph by Whitney Hubbs.
Planar - Whitney Hubbs photography show at Casemore Kirkeby.
Arc Studios & Gallery: Anthroposcene - Bay Area Photographers Collective
Photographers: Rose Borden, Adrienne Defendi, Anthony Delgado, Dan Fenstermacher, Steve Goldband & Ellen Konar, Ralf Hillebrand, Ken Hoffman, Thomas Lavin, Ari Salomon, Angelika Schilli, Cindy Stokes, Denise Tarantino, & Nick Winkworth.
Comment by AB: Group show.
Panoramic photograph by Ari Salomon at Arc Studios & Gallery.
Photography by Ralf Hillebrand.
L-R, photographs by Denise Tarantino and Nick Winkworth.
Nick Winkworth photograph.
Photographs by Cindy Stokes.
Thomas Lavin photography.
Photographs by Steve Goldband & Ellen Konar.
Bay Area Photographers Collective group show at Arc Studios & Gallery.
The Edwardian World's Faire & 18th Annual Edwardian Ball at Regency Ballroom
Comment by AB: The Edward referred to in the title is the famed author and illustrator Edward Gorey. One of the great annual costume events and more. Art, music, performances, far out fashion plates, characters, mall of purchasable wonders, installations, tons of people, gobs of libations, and plenty more.
Fine electronic assemblages by Vandegraaff Gearheardt at The Edwardian Ball.
Shane Izykowski and his wall of ghoulish treats .
Furry eyeball art by Doug Rhodes.
Doug Rhodes art.
Living installation at The Edwardian Ball, Regency Ballroom.
Fashion accents by Astral Chrysalis Design (hat is about $250).
Foam flora at The Edwardian Ball.
Part of installation c/o Haul of Living Wanders.